公司存货业务内部控制设计毕业论文,摘 要存货是企业在正常生产经营过程中为销售或者耗用而储备的物资,包括材料、燃料、低值易耗品、在产品、半成品、产成品及商品等。存货作为企业流动资产的重要组成部分,在企业的资产总额中占有很大比重,其管理、利用情况的好坏,直接关系到企业营运资金的占用水平和资产的运作效率,是企业管理中不可忽视的一部分。企业在正常生产经营活动中...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 存货 核算 内部控制
Inventory is in the normal course of business for the production or sale of material consumption and reserves, including materials, fuel,products, semi-finished goods and merchandise. Inventory as a business an important part of current assets, total assets in enterprises account for a large proportion of its management, the utilization of the good or bad, is directly related to the enterprise level of working capital and assets of the occupier of the operational efficiency of enterprise management part can not be ignored. Enterprises in the normal production and operation activities, the need to maintain a certain amount of inventory to ensure that the needs of production and sales, to avoid or reduce downtime due to shortage of stock is expected to be out of stock or product. However, too much inventory will take up a large number of enterprise funds, reduce the speed of their liquidity and increase including storage, insurance, maintenance costs and management expenses, including wages, would lead to serious or even capital-strand break so that it can not maintain normal business operations, and ultimately go bankrupt.
Through the company's understanding of the company's inventory accounting and internal control system design. Design including the purchase of some accounting issue, working materials. In which internal controls on the purchase of inventory, warehousing, recipients, sales management practices. The company's stock so that a more rational system, let the company operate better]
Key words inventory accounting internal control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 公司概述 1
1.1公司自然状况 1
1.2公司经营状况 1
1.3公司存货制度的概况 2
第2章 公司存货计价方法的选择 3
第3章 公司存货核算制度设计 6
3.1存货会计科目的设计 6
3.2存货业务会计核算制度设计 7
3.2.1购入存货核算制度设计 8
3.2.2发出存货核算制度设计 9
3.2.3周转材料核算制度设计 10
3.2.4商品销售核算制度设计 10
3.2.5存货盘点核算制度设计 11
第4章 存货业务内部控制制度设计 14
4.1存货取得与验收入库内部控制制度设计 14
4.1.1外购存货内部控制制度设计 14
4.1.2自制存货内部控制制度设计 18
4.1.3存货仓库保管与存货清查盘点内部控制 18
4.2存货领用内部控制设计 20
4.3存货销售内部控制设计 22
4.3.1订单控制制度设计 22
4.3.2销售价格控制制度设计 23
结束语 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
附录1 27
附录2 30
关键词 存货 核算 内部控制
Inventory is in the normal course of business for the production or sale of material consumption and reserves, including materials, fuel,products, semi-finished goods and merchandise. Inventory as a business an important part of current assets, total assets in enterprises account for a large proportion of its management, the utilization of the good or bad, is directly related to the enterprise level of working capital and assets of the occupier of the operational efficiency of enterprise management part can not be ignored. Enterprises in the normal production and operation activities, the need to maintain a certain amount of inventory to ensure that the needs of production and sales, to avoid or reduce downtime due to shortage of stock is expected to be out of stock or product. However, too much inventory will take up a large number of enterprise funds, reduce the speed of their liquidity and increase including storage, insurance, maintenance costs and management expenses, including wages, would lead to serious or even capital-strand break so that it can not maintain normal business operations, and ultimately go bankrupt.
Through the company's understanding of the company's inventory accounting and internal control system design. Design including the purchase of some accounting issue, working materials. In which internal controls on the purchase of inventory, warehousing, recipients, sales management practices. The company's stock so that a more rational system, let the company operate better]
Key words inventory accounting internal control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 公司概述 1
1.1公司自然状况 1
1.2公司经营状况 1
1.3公司存货制度的概况 2
第2章 公司存货计价方法的选择 3
第3章 公司存货核算制度设计 6
3.1存货会计科目的设计 6
3.2存货业务会计核算制度设计 7
3.2.1购入存货核算制度设计 8
3.2.2发出存货核算制度设计 9
3.2.3周转材料核算制度设计 10
3.2.4商品销售核算制度设计 10
3.2.5存货盘点核算制度设计 11
第4章 存货业务内部控制制度设计 14
4.1存货取得与验收入库内部控制制度设计 14
4.1.1外购存货内部控制制度设计 14
4.1.2自制存货内部控制制度设计 18
4.1.3存货仓库保管与存货清查盘点内部控制 18
4.2存货领用内部控制设计 20
4.3存货销售内部控制设计 22
4.3.1订单控制制度设计 22
4.3.2销售价格控制制度设计 23
结束语 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
附录1 27
附录2 30