
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
Confronted with many competitors in domestic market and entering of famous Multinational Corporation, Guihang is in an intensive competition industry. How to develop international market is an important task for Guihang.
This article adopts demonstration research method. First, this article analyzes the basic situation of Guihang to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Guihang, then choose the target market based on the analysis of global market.
Based on the above analysis, this article will discuss the international marketing strategies in the fields of product strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy and channel strategy. As to the product strategy, the concept of product composition analysis should be set up, the quality of product should be improved and new products should be developed according to the needs of customers. In the aspect of pricing strategy, Guihang should use flexible pricing method as its principal strategy for setting prices with an watching the market, clients and products. In the aspect of channel strategy, Guihang should take different strategies for different markets around the world. In the aspect of promotion strategy, Guihang should take pushing strategy, paying high attention to personnel promotion, attending some famous fair and visiting clients regularly etc.
Key words: international market, marketing strategy, Guihang Company
xx股份有限公司国际市场营销策略研究 1
摘要 1
第一章引言 4
1. 1选题背景及其意义 4
1.2国内外研究现状 5
1. 3国际市场营销理论概述 6
1.2.1国际贸易的有关理论 6
第二章xx公司国际市场营销概况 7
2.1xx公司国际市场营销概述 10
2.2xx公司国际市场营销的特点 10
2.3xx公司国际市场营销发展战略和海外发展战略 12
2. 3. 1xx公司的发展战略 12
2. 3. 2海外发展战略 12
第三章 xx公司国际市场营销中存在的问题 14
3.1产品方面存在的问题 14
3.2.定价中存在的问题 14
3.3.分销中存在的问题 14
3.4.促销方面存在的问题 15
第四章xx公司国际市场营销中存在的问题的原因分析 15
4.1缺乏对产品分析,质量有待提高 15
4.2缺乏竞争状况了解,竞争价格调查不够 16
4.3销售渠道长,过分依赖大客户 16
4.4促销手段单一,促销力度不够 16
第五章xx公司国际市场营销中存在的问题的对策建议 16
5. 1树立产品成分分析观念,保证提高产品质量——产品策略 17
5. 1. 1树立进行产品成分分析的概念 17
5.1.2保证和提高产品质量 18
5.1.3产品系列化策略 19
5.1.4新品开发策略 19
5. 1. 5产品差异化策略 19
5.1.6产品品牌策略 20
5.2努力降低成本,获取竞争优势谋求合理利润——价格策略 20
5. 2. 1边际成本定价法 21
5.2.2注意市场差异性,谋求合理利润 21
5.2.3成本导向与随行就市法相结合 21
5.2. 4努力降低成本,获取竞争优势和利润 21
5.3拓宽营销渠道,健全营销管理体系——分销策略 22
5. 3. 1尽量减少中间环节,缩短渠道长度 22
5.3.2根据需要选择国外中间商的类型 22
5.3.3.激励中间商,控制分销渠道 23
5. 3. 4努力拓宽渠道,避免过分依赖某一客户 23
5.4开拓市场营销渠道,建立产品营销策略——促销策略 23
5. 4. 1广告策略 24
5.4. 2销售促进 24
5. 4. 3积极参加国内外著名交易会,定期拜访客户。 24
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
Confronted with many competitors in domestic market and entering of famous Multinational Corporation, Guihang is in an intensive competition industry. How to develop international market is an important task for Guihang.
This article adopts demonstration research method. First, this article analyzes the basic situation of Guihang to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Guihang, then choose the target market based on the analysis of global market.
Based on the above analysis, this article will discuss the international marketing strategies in the fields of product strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy and channel strategy. As to the product strategy, the concept of product composition analysis should be set up, the quality of product should be improved and new products should be developed according to the needs of customers. In the aspect of pricing strategy, Guihang should use flexible pricing method as its principal strategy for setting prices with an watching the market, clients and products. In the aspect of channel strategy, Guihang should take different strategies for different markets around the world. In the aspect of promotion strategy, Guihang should take pushing strategy, paying high attention to personnel promotion, attending some famous fair and visiting clients regularly etc.
Key words: international market, marketing strategy, Guihang Company
xx股份有限公司国际市场营销策略研究 1
摘要 1
第一章引言 4
1. 1选题背景及其意义 4
1.2国内外研究现状 5
1. 3国际市场营销理论概述 6
1.2.1国际贸易的有关理论 6
第二章xx公司国际市场营销概况 7
2.1xx公司国际市场营销概述 10
2.2xx公司国际市场营销的特点 10
2.3xx公司国际市场营销发展战略和海外发展战略 12
2. 3. 1xx公司的发展战略 12
2. 3. 2海外发展战略 12
第三章 xx公司国际市场营销中存在的问题 14
3.1产品方面存在的问题 14
3.2.定价中存在的问题 14
3.3.分销中存在的问题 14
3.4.促销方面存在的问题 15
第四章xx公司国际市场营销中存在的问题的原因分析 15
4.1缺乏对产品分析,质量有待提高 15
4.2缺乏竞争状况了解,竞争价格调查不够 16
4.3销售渠道长,过分依赖大客户 16
4.4促销手段单一,促销力度不够 16
第五章xx公司国际市场营销中存在的问题的对策建议 16
5. 1树立产品成分分析观念,保证提高产品质量——产品策略 17
5. 1. 1树立进行产品成分分析的概念 17
5.1.2保证和提高产品质量 18
5.1.3产品系列化策略 19
5.1.4新品开发策略 19
5. 1. 5产品差异化策略 19
5.1.6产品品牌策略 20
5.2努力降低成本,获取竞争优势谋求合理利润——价格策略 20
5. 2. 1边际成本定价法 21
5.2.2注意市场差异性,谋求合理利润 21
5.2.3成本导向与随行就市法相结合 21
5.2. 4努力降低成本,获取竞争优势和利润 21
5.3拓宽营销渠道,健全营销管理体系——分销策略 22
5. 3. 1尽量减少中间环节,缩短渠道长度 22
5.3.2根据需要选择国外中间商的类型 22
5.3.3.激励中间商,控制分销渠道 23
5. 3. 4努力拓宽渠道,避免过分依赖某一客户 23
5.4开拓市场营销渠道,建立产品营销策略——促销策略 23
5. 4. 1广告策略 24
5.4. 2销售促进 24
5. 4. 3积极参加国内外著名交易会,定期拜访客户。 24
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26