

分类: 论文>文献综述


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要
通过对xx建筑公司薪酬现实情况的分析,剖析xx建筑公司原有薪酬体系存在的薪酬内部一致性欠缺、透明性差、弹性差、没有真正与绩效挂钩等问题,并指出问题产生的原因,论述了 xx建筑公司改进薪酬体系的目的性和必要性,确定了薪酬体系设计的总体思路和应遵循的原则。

关键词 薪酬体系 薪酬改革 人力资源

The salary management is the core content of enterprises' human resource management reasonable and valid salary system can not only validate to stir up the initiative and activity of employees, promote employees to work hard to realize enterprises targets, and increase enterprise's performance, but also can attract and reserve a employee team with good qualities and competition abilities under the knowledge-based economy where the competition is increasingly fierce.
Later,through the assay of real salary situation in HongYuan Company and by analyzing the existing salary system,the paper takes apart problems lying in the previous system of coherence deficiency,low transparency,poor flexibility and no connection with practical performance,etc,It also points out the causes of them. After that,it discusses the purpose and necessity of salary system improvement,defines the overall thinking of designing salary system and the principles that it should adhere to. Starting from job description and post appraisal to build the system of salary based on position appraisal.

Key Words Salary System Redesign Human Resources