金融危机对深圳市xx净化技术有限公司的影响毕业论文,摘要2007 年以来,美国次贷危机进一步从金融层面传导到实体经济层面,进而演变为金融危机,危机的国际传导效应增大了全球经济的风险,国际经济形势更趋复杂。在此背景下,我国的出口贸易也不可避免地受到影响。 论文以深圳xx公司为研究对象,从次贷危机的定义入手,归纳和总结了各国学者关于次贷危机的研究成果,概括了次贷危机的传导和...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
2007 年以来,美国次贷危机进一步从金融层面传导到实体经济层面,进而演变为金融危机,危机的国际传导效应增大了全球经济的风险,国际经济形势更趋复杂。在此背景下,我国的出口贸易也不可避免地受到影响。
关键词 金融危机 出口 对策
Since 2007, the U.S. sub-loan crisis from the financial dimensions of levels transmitted to the real economy, and then into a financial crisis, the crisis in the international transmission effect of increasing the risk of the global economy, international economic situation more complicated. In this context, China's export trade will inevitably be affected.
In this thesis Shenzhen Aotong company as the research object, from the definition of sub-loan crisis start, summed up and summarized the scholars on the sub-loan crisis of the research results, a summary of the conduction sub-loan crisis and development trends; analyzed proud company encountered financial crisis in the status; summarized its reasons for the financial crisis hit; and company is proud to deal with the financial crisis in the corresponding strategy.
Within the main reasons are: poor self-innovation companies and the lack of core technology and independent brands, the lack of key personnel and funds, excessive concentration of export markets; external factors: a decrease in demand in developed countries, the exchange rate, export policies, such as the combat. In response to the recommendations of the financial crisis, the proud Based on the company encountered financial analysis of the causes of the crisis, put forward an effective proposal. Proud of their own from the company and the country's realities,
Targeted at micro and macro two aspects: First, improve the capacity of scientific and technological innovation; second is to provide a good business environment and raise the technological level of high-tech enterprises with Chinese characteristics and the establishment of scientific and technological achievements into the mechanism. Hope to be able to solve the practical problems of China's enterprises have guidance.
The key words Financial crisis Exports Countermeasure
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.4研究意义 5
1.5研究方法 6
第2章 金融危机的相关理论概述 7
2.1金融危机的产生及原因 7
2.1.1金融危机的产生 7
2.1.2 金融危机产生的原因与实质 9
2.2金融危机的全球传导机制 10
2.2.1次贷危机的短期传导机制 10
2.2.2次贷危机的中期传导机制 12
2.2.3次贷危机的长期传导机制 13
2.3金融危机下世界的经济形势 14
第3章 金融危机对深圳市xx净化技术有限公司的影响 18
3.1金融危机下我国对外贸易的现状 18
3.2深圳市xx净化技术有限公司概况 19
3.3金融危机对深圳市xx公司的影响 20
3.3.1导致外贸出口量明显下降 20
3.3.2导致企业利润下降,面临资金短缺问题 21
3.3.3加剧了国内市场竞争 21
3.3.4国际贸易保护主义进一步加剧,非关税壁垒成为贸易出口的主要障碍 22
第4章 金融危机对深圳市xx净化技术有限公司影响的原因分析 23
4.1宏观分析 23
4.1.1成本因素 23
4.1.2出口政策调整的打击 23
4.1.3汇率的影响 24
4.1.4外部需求萎缩 24
4.2微观分析 24
4.2.1企业自主创新能力差,缺乏核心技术和自主品牌 24
4.2.2缺乏骨干人才和资金的投入 25
4.2.3出口市场过度集中 25
4.2.4科研成果转化率低 25
4.2.5出口产品的技术附加值低,国际竞争力不强 26
第5章 xx公司应对金融危机的策略 27
5.1建立预警系统,充分利用WTO相关规则积极应对贸易摩擦 27
5.2调整产品结构,增强企业技术创新能力 27
5.3努力开拓多元化市场,减少对少数经济体的依赖程度 28
5.4减低生产成本,增强企业的市场竞争能力 28
5.5利用新的融资工具筹集资金,加快资金周转速度 29
5.6建立完善人才储备 29
5.7建立电子商务平台,降低贸易成本 30
5.8 扩大国内市场,拓宽产品销售渠道 30
结束语 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
2007 年以来,美国次贷危机进一步从金融层面传导到实体经济层面,进而演变为金融危机,危机的国际传导效应增大了全球经济的风险,国际经济形势更趋复杂。在此背景下,我国的出口贸易也不可避免地受到影响。
关键词 金融危机 出口 对策
Since 2007, the U.S. sub-loan crisis from the financial dimensions of levels transmitted to the real economy, and then into a financial crisis, the crisis in the international transmission effect of increasing the risk of the global economy, international economic situation more complicated. In this context, China's export trade will inevitably be affected.
In this thesis Shenzhen Aotong company as the research object, from the definition of sub-loan crisis start, summed up and summarized the scholars on the sub-loan crisis of the research results, a summary of the conduction sub-loan crisis and development trends; analyzed proud company encountered financial crisis in the status; summarized its reasons for the financial crisis hit; and company is proud to deal with the financial crisis in the corresponding strategy.
Within the main reasons are: poor self-innovation companies and the lack of core technology and independent brands, the lack of key personnel and funds, excessive concentration of export markets; external factors: a decrease in demand in developed countries, the exchange rate, export policies, such as the combat. In response to the recommendations of the financial crisis, the proud Based on the company encountered financial analysis of the causes of the crisis, put forward an effective proposal. Proud of their own from the company and the country's realities,
Targeted at micro and macro two aspects: First, improve the capacity of scientific and technological innovation; second is to provide a good business environment and raise the technological level of high-tech enterprises with Chinese characteristics and the establishment of scientific and technological achievements into the mechanism. Hope to be able to solve the practical problems of China's enterprises have guidance.
The key words Financial crisis Exports Countermeasure
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.4研究意义 5
1.5研究方法 6
第2章 金融危机的相关理论概述 7
2.1金融危机的产生及原因 7
2.1.1金融危机的产生 7
2.1.2 金融危机产生的原因与实质 9
2.2金融危机的全球传导机制 10
2.2.1次贷危机的短期传导机制 10
2.2.2次贷危机的中期传导机制 12
2.2.3次贷危机的长期传导机制 13
2.3金融危机下世界的经济形势 14
第3章 金融危机对深圳市xx净化技术有限公司的影响 18
3.1金融危机下我国对外贸易的现状 18
3.2深圳市xx净化技术有限公司概况 19
3.3金融危机对深圳市xx公司的影响 20
3.3.1导致外贸出口量明显下降 20
3.3.2导致企业利润下降,面临资金短缺问题 21
3.3.3加剧了国内市场竞争 21
3.3.4国际贸易保护主义进一步加剧,非关税壁垒成为贸易出口的主要障碍 22
第4章 金融危机对深圳市xx净化技术有限公司影响的原因分析 23
4.1宏观分析 23
4.1.1成本因素 23
4.1.2出口政策调整的打击 23
4.1.3汇率的影响 24
4.1.4外部需求萎缩 24
4.2微观分析 24
4.2.1企业自主创新能力差,缺乏核心技术和自主品牌 24
4.2.2缺乏骨干人才和资金的投入 25
4.2.3出口市场过度集中 25
4.2.4科研成果转化率低 25
4.2.5出口产品的技术附加值低,国际竞争力不强 26
第5章 xx公司应对金融危机的策略 27
5.1建立预警系统,充分利用WTO相关规则积极应对贸易摩擦 27
5.2调整产品结构,增强企业技术创新能力 27
5.3努力开拓多元化市场,减少对少数经济体的依赖程度 28
5.4减低生产成本,增强企业的市场竞争能力 28
5.5利用新的融资工具筹集资金,加快资金周转速度 29
5.6建立完善人才储备 29
5.7建立电子商务平台,降低贸易成本 30
5.8 扩大国内市场,拓宽产品销售渠道 30
结束语 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33