基于单片机的交通灯控制系统-毕业论文,摘 要 十字路口车辆穿梭,行人熙攘,车行车道,人行人道,有条不紊。那么靠什么来实现这井然秩序呢?靠的是交通信号灯的自动指挥系统。交通信号灯控制方式很多。本系统采用msc-51系列单片机intel8051和可编程并行i/o接口芯片8255a为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,实现了能根据实际车流量通过8051芯片的p1口设置红...

此文档由会员 lutuozhe 发布摘 要
Crossroads vehicle wear comb, pedestrian Xi Rang, turn to be all right lane, person pedestrian says , methodically。 Do you lean what to realize this orderly order? What lean is that the automatic command system of traffic signal lamp。 Traffic signal lamp control way is many 。 This system adopts MSC-51 series only flat machine Intel8051 with but programming parallel interface chip 8255 A of I/O is central device the design controller of traffic lights, have realized can measure according to actual wagon flow the P1 installation bonus and green light that passes through 8051 chips burn to light the function of time; For system stabilize reliable have adopted MAX629 the chip " dog looks after the house ", have avoided that system stops working condition because of halting to occur; Show that time is directly exported through PB and PA of 8255; The signal of traffic lights is exported through usually PC mouth; The point of traffic lights light to adopt VT two-way Jingo floodgate pipe come to control, directly drive with the alternating current source of 220 V, practicality is strong, operating is simple。
Keywords: Only flat machine ,Traffic Lights ,Controller ,Design ,Realize
目 录
前 言 1
一 交通灯发展概述 1
二 课题的背景及意义 1
三 课题的任务及要实现的主要功能 2
第一章 交通灯的总体方案设计与论证 2
1.1单片机与外围接口部件 2
1.2电源提供 3
1.3 倒计时显示界面 3
1.4 输入键盘 3
1.5 交通灯显示 4
1.6 系统稳定运行保障系统 4
1.7 理论分析与计算 4
第二章 硬件的选择与简介 8
2.1 8051芯片简介 8
2.1.1 8051内部结构 8
2.1.2 8051的引脚说明: 9
2.2 8255芯片简介 9
2.2.1 内部结构 10
2.2.2 引脚功能说明 11
2.2.3 芯片功能 11
2.3 其他器件 12
2.3.1 数码管与交通信号灯 12
2.3.2 看门狗MAX692 13
第三章 控制器硬件系统设计 15
3.1 系统硬件设计方案 15
3.2 系统工作原理 16
第四章 控制器的软件设计 18
4.1 交通灯燃亮时间的设定 18
4.2 软件延时 19
4.3 时间及信号灯的显示软件设计 20
4.4 程序设计 21
结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 24
附录 24
附录1:实验程序原代码 24
附录2:实验原理图 28