审计风险研究(经济会计学毕业论文),审计风险研究(毕业论文,共24270字,包含外面翻译资料)audit risk research摘 要随着这些年来注册会计师事业的迅速发展、改革开放的深入和法制建设的加强,我国的经济环境和法律环境都发生了很大的变化,各种法律法规正在逐步完善,公众的法律意识也在逐步的提高。同时,社会审计的范围逐渐拓宽,人们对审计的期望越...

此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布
Audit risk research
摘 要
关键词:注册会计师 风险 危害 防范与控制
Along with these years chartered accountant the enterprise rapid development, the reform and open policy were thorough and legislative work strengthening, our country economic environment and the legal environment has all had the very big change, each kind of legal laws and regulations gradually were consummating, public's legal consciousness also in gradually enhancement. At the same time, the social audit scope gradually opens up, people to audit expectation more and more high, the audit occupation responsibility more and more is also big. The social economy life complexity and the determinism did not increase the audit difficulty, correspondingly has had the certain audit risk. The audit risk has caused the society from all walks of life in the audit practice massive increase widespread, the sincere attention. To audits the risk research the basic starting point to be supposed to be to its implication and the characteristic understanding, this is systematically knows the audit risk, the guard and the control audit risk important premise. Therefore, after the people only have the correct understanding audit risk implication and the characteristic, can correctly understand the audit risk, enhancement audit risk consciousness, positively effectively the prevention and the control audit risk, causes the audit to maintain the role which the market economy order aspect plays should have. Along with accounting firm organizational reform thorough, chartered accountant (CPA) will become the audit risk the withstanding object. Of the audit risk control is any accounting firm management core question, also is audits one of the theory research and discussion hot topics. This article in the discussion audit risk implication foundation, (CPA) audited the reason to present our country chartered accountant which the risk produced to carry on the analysis, thought the audit environment the influence, the audit technology limitation, the audit content and the object complexity, audited the personnel quality and the office management and so on is constitutes the audit risk the main origin. Has pointed proposed from chartered accountant and its the office own construction, the work process and all that aspects takes the effective control measure, safeguards chartered accountant the profession health to have the foreword the development.
Key words:Registered accountants risk hazard prevention and control
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
一、选题的背景和意义 1
二、国内外研究现状 1
三、研究内容及创新点 1
第二章 审计风险的涵义 2
一、对审计风险的认识 2
(一) 狭义的审计风险指发表了不正当的审计意见的风险 2
(二) 广义的审计风险——审计职业风险 2
(三) 一般定义的审计风险及其构成 2
第三章 审计风险的基本特征的研究 4
一、审计风险的客观性 4
二、审计风险的普遍性 4
三、审计风险的潜在性 5
四、审计风险的偶然性 5
五、审计风险的可控性 5
第四章 审计风险形成原因的研究 6
一、审计机构自身不当形成的 6
二、社会环境对审计风险的影响 7
(一) 被审单位严重欺诈、违法 7
(二) 形式多样的行政干预 7
(三) 注册会计师审计的独立性差 7
(四) 审计报告的公开化 7
三、经济环境对审计风险的影响 7
(一) 知识经济时代新要求 8
(二) 电算化审计的研发的相对滞后 8
四、法律环境对审计风险形成的影响 8
五、审计方法对审计风险形成的影响 9
第五章 审计风险的防范与控制 10
一、营造一个良好的审计环境 10
(一) 完善社会主义市场经济体制,规范市场秩序 10
(二) 健全社会主义法律体系 10
(三) 加快政府职能的转变,减少行政干预 10
(四) 建..
Audit risk research
摘 要
关键词:注册会计师 风险 危害 防范与控制
Along with these years chartered accountant the enterprise rapid development, the reform and open policy were thorough and legislative work strengthening, our country economic environment and the legal environment has all had the very big change, each kind of legal laws and regulations gradually were consummating, public's legal consciousness also in gradually enhancement. At the same time, the social audit scope gradually opens up, people to audit expectation more and more high, the audit occupation responsibility more and more is also big. The social economy life complexity and the determinism did not increase the audit difficulty, correspondingly has had the certain audit risk. The audit risk has caused the society from all walks of life in the audit practice massive increase widespread, the sincere attention. To audits the risk research the basic starting point to be supposed to be to its implication and the characteristic understanding, this is systematically knows the audit risk, the guard and the control audit risk important premise. Therefore, after the people only have the correct understanding audit risk implication and the characteristic, can correctly understand the audit risk, enhancement audit risk consciousness, positively effectively the prevention and the control audit risk, causes the audit to maintain the role which the market economy order aspect plays should have. Along with accounting firm organizational reform thorough, chartered accountant (CPA) will become the audit risk the withstanding object. Of the audit risk control is any accounting firm management core question, also is audits one of the theory research and discussion hot topics. This article in the discussion audit risk implication foundation, (CPA) audited the reason to present our country chartered accountant which the risk produced to carry on the analysis, thought the audit environment the influence, the audit technology limitation, the audit content and the object complexity, audited the personnel quality and the office management and so on is constitutes the audit risk the main origin. Has pointed proposed from chartered accountant and its the office own construction, the work process and all that aspects takes the effective control measure, safeguards chartered accountant the profession health to have the foreword the development.
Key words:Registered accountants risk hazard prevention and control
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
一、选题的背景和意义 1
二、国内外研究现状 1
三、研究内容及创新点 1
第二章 审计风险的涵义 2
一、对审计风险的认识 2
(一) 狭义的审计风险指发表了不正当的审计意见的风险 2
(二) 广义的审计风险——审计职业风险 2
(三) 一般定义的审计风险及其构成 2
第三章 审计风险的基本特征的研究 4
一、审计风险的客观性 4
二、审计风险的普遍性 4
三、审计风险的潜在性 5
四、审计风险的偶然性 5
五、审计风险的可控性 5
第四章 审计风险形成原因的研究 6
一、审计机构自身不当形成的 6
二、社会环境对审计风险的影响 7
(一) 被审单位严重欺诈、违法 7
(二) 形式多样的行政干预 7
(三) 注册会计师审计的独立性差 7
(四) 审计报告的公开化 7
三、经济环境对审计风险的影响 7
(一) 知识经济时代新要求 8
(二) 电算化审计的研发的相对滞后 8
四、法律环境对审计风险形成的影响 8
五、审计方法对审计风险形成的影响 9
第五章 审计风险的防范与控制 10
一、营造一个良好的审计环境 10
(一) 完善社会主义市场经济体制,规范市场秩序 10
(二) 健全社会主义法律体系 10
(三) 加快政府职能的转变,减少行政干预 10
(四) 建..