

xx公司经营及其库存管理现状分析毕业论文,摘 要我国传统企业管理体制与运作模式受“大而全”、“小而全”思想影响,使得企业成为一个封闭系统,与开放式的全球制造和供应链管理模式相差甚远,无法适应供应链管理的要求。在理论研究上,随着供应链管理思想的提出,传统的库存管理理论面临着挑战。供应链环境下的库存问题和传统的库存问题有许多不同之处,这些不同点体现了供应链管理思想...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要


关键词: 库存、库存管理、供应链管理、推─拉式供应链


China’s traditional enterprise management system and mode of operation, seriously affected by the“large and all-encompassing ”and“small but complete”thinking ,make enterprise be into a closed system. It’s far away from the model of open global manufacturing and supply chain managemen
-t and can not adapt to the requirements of supply chain management.
In theory research, with the ideas of supply chain management appearing, the traditional theory of inventory is confronted with new challenges. Supply Chain Inventory issue
-s and traditional inventory problems have many differences. These differences reflect the influence of thinking of supply chain management on inventory management. Traditional invent
-ory management research focused on optimizing single enter
-prise’s inventory costs. The starting order and economic order quantity are determined by storage costs and orders costs. It stressed that the pursuit of corporate self-interes
-t to maximize is most important.Suppy Chain Management Inven -tory Control is designed to pursue the lowest cost of the entire supply chain. It stressed on collaboration and informa -tion sharing in business-to-business.
Lv Huan Corporation,with high growth potential, is an excellent high-tech manufacturing enterprises. Similarly, in its rapid growth and development process, due to the lack of study on enterprise supply chain management system, it has been using traditional inventory management. The issues of inventory management appear to be more prominent. Referring to the current international advance inventory management theory and practical experience,this paper analyses the curr -ent situation of Lv Huan Corporation’s inventory mamagent and the status of the factors that influence inventoty mamage -ment on the Lv Huan Corporation’s inventory managemet and chooses the push-pull hybrid supply chain system. Under the guidance of push-pull hybrid mode of supply chain system,the paper proposes to improve inventory management.

Keyword: Inventory、Inventory Management、Supply Chain Management、Push-pull Hybrid Mode Of Supply Chain

目 录

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 3
1. 1 研究背景 3
1. 2 供应链库存管理理论研究现状 4
1.2.1 国外研究现状 4
1.2.2 国内研究现状 5
1. 3 研究目的与意义 6
1. 4 研究方法与内容 7
第2章 供应链及库存管理的相关研究 7
2.1 库存管理理论 7
2.1.1 库存管理的基本概念 7
2.1.2 库存管理的内容 8
2.1.3 库存管理的几种基本模型 8
2. 2 供应链与供应链管理 9
2.2.1 供应链管理发展背景 9
2.2.2 供应链管理的核心思想 10
2.2.3 供应链管理方法 11
2. 3 供应链管理环境下的库存问题 12
第3章 xx公司经营及其库存管理现状 16
3. 1xx公司经营现状 16
3.1.1公司的概况 16
3.1.2公司的组织结构 16
3. 2 公司供应链模式分析 18
3. 3 公司现有库存管理模式分析 21
3. 4 公司库存管理存在的问题分析 22
3.4.1 库存管理信息系统不完善 22
3.4.2 库存质量控制成本高 22
3.4.3 库存持有成本高 23
3.4.4 日常库存管理不严 24
第4章 xx公司供应链模式下的库存管理改进 26
4.1 库存管理改进 26
4.1.1 库存管理目标确定 26
4.1.2 生产流程改进 26
4.1.3 生产计划改进 27
4.2 供应商关系改进 27
4.2.1与供应商联盟 27
4.2.2 建立供应商沟通机制 28
4.2.3 供应商管理库存 29
4. 3 采购管理改进 29
4.3.1 选择供应商 29
4.3.2实施合同监督及购后评价 30
4.3.3 适时化采购 30
4. 4 市场营销改进 30
结 论 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 35
附录1: 36
附录2: 39