

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布


关键词 利润核算 收入 费用

Accounting profit is the worker for the social value created by labor, which constitutes the corporate net income, also known as the value of the remaining products, the expansion of socialist production and improve people's material and cultural living standards of the main source of the funds required. Stephen for the Heilongjiang River Cogeneration Co., Ltd. biomass accounting profit, on the subjects of the design background and the status and nature of enterprises, as well as a summary of the research situation at home and abroad. In the method of accounting profits from the business income and expenses recognized standards, measurement methods, respectively, records and other accounting methods. Accounting courses in design from the income, expenses, profit for the design of three. The enterprise's internal control system to do the specific provisions of the income of enterprise internal control design, the cost of the internal control system design, the final profits of enterprise internal control system design, to do so to facilitate the internal management of enterprises.

Key words costaccounting profits income

摘要................................................................ 1
Abstract............................................................ 2

第1 章企业概况..................................................... 4
1.1企业的现状及自然状况…..........................................................……. 4
1.2企业的业务范围 4
1.3选题背景 5
第2 章 xx企业利润核算制度设计 6
2.1企业的科目设计..................................................... 6
2.2 企业的账务处理设计… 7
2.3收入账务处理设计....................................... .... 13
2.3.1企业销售大米收入的处理设计............................ 13
2.3.2企业供热供电处理设计 13
2.3.4企业营业外收入和补贴收入确认设计 14
2.3.4企业的收入记录设计 14
2.4费用的账务处理设计.. 15
2.4.1企业机器设备维修折旧费用设计 15
2.4.2企业成本费用确认设计 15
2.4.3企业费用的记录设计 16
2.5利润的核算方法设计..………………………………………………..…… 16
第3 章 xx企业的内部控制制度设计............................... 18
3.1企业的岗位责任设置设计...................................... 18
3.2企业电算化运用的内部控制设计................................ 19
3.3企业的奖惩制度设计.......................................... 20
3.4企业的费用管理制度设计...................................... 21
3.5企业的固定资产的管理制度设计................................ 22
3.6企业的应收账款监控制度设计.................................. 24
结束语............................................................. 26
致谢............................................................... 27
参考文献........................................................... 28