xx公司资本结构现状及存在问题毕业论文,摘 要合理、安全的企业资本结构关系着企业生存与发展,也是企业保持强有力竞争优势和企业价值最大化能否实现的关键,因此,对企业资本结构的优化问题进行研究意义重大。作为资本密集型的房地产行业,资金一直是影响行业生存和发展的一个重要因素,实践中,由于资金链的断裂而导致破产的房地产企业不计其数,因而选择合理的负债规模,确定安全的...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词:资本 资本结构优化 财务杠杆 债务结构
Rational and safe corporation capital structure relates to the existence and development of corporation, and it is also the key whether competition advantage and value maximum of the corporation can be achieved or not. Therefore, it is significant to do research on the optimization of corporation capital structure. As an intensive capital industry of the real estate, capital is always an important factor that influence its existence and development. In fact, the number of realty corporation that the broken capital chain results in bankruptcy is very large, so it is particularly important for realty industry to choose rational debit scale and formulate safe policy of capital structure. Through doing research on capital structure of WanKe company, which is the leading enterprise of the real estate, the author put forward a rational means how the enterprise especially real estate enterprise choose reasonable capital structure•
Based on analyzing the connected theory of capital structure and optimal capital structure, this article studies the present situation, the question and the optimization of Wanke capital structure in detail. First, the situation and form of WanKe company is analyzed. Second, by analyzing and comparing capital structure of the domestic and foreign corporation, some existing problem and influence factor on the capital structure of WanKe company is found out. Third, based on analyzing WanKe static optimal capital structure, considering same profession situation,capital structure influence factor and financial elasticity of Wanke company, the optimal capital structure of WanKe is presented, which is 69 %.At last, the feasibility measure is proposed that should be adopted to achieve optimization for company.
Key words : Capital Optimization of capital structure financial leverage
debt structure
目 录
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………….Ⅱ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1选题背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3研究方法 4
第2章 资本结构理论概述 5
2.1资本结构概念 5
2.2资本结构理论 5
2. 3静态最优资本结构的判断标准 7
2. 4影响企业资本结构的因素 7
2. 4. 1影响企业资本结构的外部因素 7
2.4.2影响企业资本结构的内部因素 8
2. 5动态最优资本结构的判断方法 9
第3章 xx公司资本结构现状及存在问题 10
3.1xx公司概况及盈利情况 10
3.2xx公司资本结构现状 11
3.2.1债务比率 12
3.2.2债务结构 13
3.3xx公司与相关企业比较并提出问题 14
3.3. 1xx资本结构与相关企业的比较 15
3.3.2xx资本结构与杠杆企业的比较 17
第4章 xx公司资本结构的优化 20
4.1xx公司资本结构优化的目标 20
4. 2xx公司资本结构优化的思路 21
4. 3xx公司资本结构的静态优化 21
4. 4xx公司资本结构的动态优化 23
4.4.1xx公司资本结构影响因素分析 23
4.4.2xx公司财务弹性分析 26
4.5xx公司最优资本结构区间的确定 26
4.6xx公司资本结构优化方案的评价 28
4.7实施xx公司资本结构优化方案的对策 29
4.7.1积极开拓多元化融资渠道 29
4.7.2合理选择负债融资方式 29
4.7.3提高公司风险控制能力 30
第5章 结 论 32
致 谢 34
参考文献 35
附录1 37
附录2 40
附录3 42
关键词:资本 资本结构优化 财务杠杆 债务结构
Rational and safe corporation capital structure relates to the existence and development of corporation, and it is also the key whether competition advantage and value maximum of the corporation can be achieved or not. Therefore, it is significant to do research on the optimization of corporation capital structure. As an intensive capital industry of the real estate, capital is always an important factor that influence its existence and development. In fact, the number of realty corporation that the broken capital chain results in bankruptcy is very large, so it is particularly important for realty industry to choose rational debit scale and formulate safe policy of capital structure. Through doing research on capital structure of WanKe company, which is the leading enterprise of the real estate, the author put forward a rational means how the enterprise especially real estate enterprise choose reasonable capital structure•
Based on analyzing the connected theory of capital structure and optimal capital structure, this article studies the present situation, the question and the optimization of Wanke capital structure in detail. First, the situation and form of WanKe company is analyzed. Second, by analyzing and comparing capital structure of the domestic and foreign corporation, some existing problem and influence factor on the capital structure of WanKe company is found out. Third, based on analyzing WanKe static optimal capital structure, considering same profession situation,capital structure influence factor and financial elasticity of Wanke company, the optimal capital structure of WanKe is presented, which is 69 %.At last, the feasibility measure is proposed that should be adopted to achieve optimization for company.
Key words : Capital Optimization of capital structure financial leverage
debt structure
目 录
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………….Ⅱ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1选题背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3研究方法 4
第2章 资本结构理论概述 5
2.1资本结构概念 5
2.2资本结构理论 5
2. 3静态最优资本结构的判断标准 7
2. 4影响企业资本结构的因素 7
2. 4. 1影响企业资本结构的外部因素 7
2.4.2影响企业资本结构的内部因素 8
2. 5动态最优资本结构的判断方法 9
第3章 xx公司资本结构现状及存在问题 10
3.1xx公司概况及盈利情况 10
3.2xx公司资本结构现状 11
3.2.1债务比率 12
3.2.2债务结构 13
3.3xx公司与相关企业比较并提出问题 14
3.3. 1xx资本结构与相关企业的比较 15
3.3.2xx资本结构与杠杆企业的比较 17
第4章 xx公司资本结构的优化 20
4.1xx公司资本结构优化的目标 20
4. 2xx公司资本结构优化的思路 21
4. 3xx公司资本结构的静态优化 21
4. 4xx公司资本结构的动态优化 23
4.4.1xx公司资本结构影响因素分析 23
4.4.2xx公司财务弹性分析 26
4.5xx公司最优资本结构区间的确定 26
4.6xx公司资本结构优化方案的评价 28
4.7实施xx公司资本结构优化方案的对策 29
4.7.1积极开拓多元化融资渠道 29
4.7.2合理选择负债融资方式 29
4.7.3提高公司风险控制能力 30
第5章 结 论 32
致 谢 34
参考文献 35
附录1 37
附录2 40
附录3 42