

我国纺织品行业应对技术性贸易壁垒的对策研究毕业论文,摘  要随着经济全球化和贸易自由化的发展,贸易保护手段发生了重大的变化。关税作为贸易壁垒手段的地位逐渐减弱。而以技术法规和标准为核心的贸易性技术壁垒在当今的国际贸易中是屡见不鲜的,对国际贸易的影响和作用日见突出。因此也越来越多地引起世界各国政府的广泛重视。近年来,随着中国在国际贸易的地位日益重要,中国已成为技术性贸易壁...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘  要
With the development of economic globalization and the trade liberalization,the maens for trade protection has changed a lot.Tariff has been declining.The technical barriers to trade,with technical regulations and standards being the core part,are not rare in international trade nowadays and become more influential to international trade.Therefore,they are getting more attention all over the word.China has been gradually playing a more important role in internatiaol trade.China has became the main object of the technical barriers to trade.Textiles and clothing(referred as T&C) industry is China’s traditional advantageous industry.China rank first in the world’s T&C industry, T&C export is of great significance in China’s expot history. Technical barrier becomes the important factor influencing textile and apparel trade of our country gradually.It’s harmful to the textile expotation.This article analyses the characteristics of textile products subject to technical trade measures,and the explores the duoble causes that the exports are restrained by foreign technical trade measures.At last,it puts foreward some strategic choic.

Keywords:textiles and clothing industry; technical barriers to trade ; policy risk; solution