

xx鞋业有限公司应对欧盟反倾销的策略毕业论文,目录摘 要4abstract5第1章 绪论61.1选题背景61.2反倾销的国内外研究现状71.2.1 国外研究现状71.2.2 国内研究现状81.3 研究目的81.4 研究意义8第2章 反倾销的相关理论102.1 反倾销的定义102.2 wto反倾销协议的主要规定102.2.1倾销的确定102.2.2 损害的界定112...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布


摘 要 4
Abstract 5

第1章 绪论 6
1.1选题背景 6
1.2反倾销的国内外研究现状 7
1.2.1 国外研究现状 7
1.2.2 国内研究现状 8
1.3 研究目的 8
1.4 研究意义 8
第2章 反倾销的相关理论 10
2.1 反倾销的定义 10
2.2 WTO反倾销协议的主要规定 10
2.2.1倾销的确定 10
2.2.2 损害的界定 11
2.2.3 倾销与损害之间的因果关系 12
2.3 欧盟反倾销程序 14
2.3.1 初始调查 15
2.3.2 反倾销复审 16
2.3.3 反倾销司法审查 17
第3章 xx鞋业有限公司产品出口遭遇欧盟反倾销的现状分析 18
3.1 XX鞋业有限公司简介 18
3.2 XX鞋业有限公司产品出口遭遇反倾销概况 18
3.3 反倾销给XX鞋业有限公司产品出口带来的不利影响 20
3.3.1 直接限制了公司产品的出口 造成重大经济损失 20
3.3.2 增加产品的贸易成本 削弱产品的出口竞争 20
3.3.3 严重影响了公司拓展国际市场 21
第4章 xx鞋业有限公司产品出口遭遇欧盟反倾销的原因分析 22
4.1 公司自身原因分析 22
4.2 政策原因分析 23
4.2.1 欧盟的原因 23
4.2.2 中国自身的原因 24
第5章 xx鞋业有限公司应对欧盟反倾销的策略 26
5.1 人才战略 26
5.1.1 引进专业人才,注重对人才的培养 26
5.1.2 合理使用人才,尊重人才 27
5.2 品牌战略 29
5.3 创新战略 30
结束语 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
附录1 37
附录2 42

摘 要

关键词: 反倾销 皮鞋 策略


At present, the trend of economic golbalization has increased,but the EU’s anti-dumping momentum and not because China’s WTO membershiop has been made weakened. Although the WTO deal with the anti-dumping issue to be clearly defined, but the existing WTO “anti-dumping code” is not perfect, and distorted by some countries and abuse, which the EU and other countries and regions in the “market economy status” to China on such issues as footwear issue of the unreasonable “substitute the laws of the state” to restrain China’s footwear export.
Yiyi Bird Footwear Company by Limited is one of the larger companys in the area of footwear in Wenzhou city. In this paper, a tootal of fibe titles, according to the preamble from the anti-dumping introducing the concept of using economic theory, the use of empirical analysis and the methods of data analysis of China’s shoe-making industry frequently encountered the status of the EU anti-dumping, and gradually event of Europe UNITA anti-dumping to the development trend to China’s footwear industry test case on the EU’s internal and externall reasons for anti-dumping, and try to cope with the stituationg and suggested that expectations of Yiyi Bird Footwear Company by Limited as soon as possible out of the EU anti-dumping dilemma.

Key words anti-dumping footwear strategies