
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词:中小企业 融资 融资问题 浙江xx医药有限公司
Since reform and opening up, with the individual economy and private economy booms, as well as restructuring of state-owned enterprises, small and medium enterprises has now become China's economic development as an important force. Transition period, has a comparative advantage, differentiation and diversification of the small and medium enterprises, market-oriented and adapt to the characteristics of factor endowment, for China's economic development has made tremendous contributions in the expansion of employment, an active market, such as changes in economic structure has played a very important role.
Based on the small and medium enterprises under the special group to Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. as an example, the use of the basic theoretical knowledge of the financing of Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. financing problems in analysis, to propose a solution. Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. financing the main problems: the financing channels for a single, enterprise funds are more tense, difficult, such as bank borrowings. To solve these problems, this article from the internal and external financing at the same time analyzing the problems of its underlying causes. At the same time, based on the reality of Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. financing problems,from the micro-macro perspective of the feasibility of proposed countermeasures.
Key words:Financing,Financing problem, Small and medium-sized Enterprises, Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd.
目 录
摘 要 - 1 -
第1章 绪论 - 1 -
1.1 选题背景 - 1 -
1.2 国内外研究现状 - 2 -
1.2.1 国内研究现状 - 2 -
1.2.2 国外研究现状 - 4 -
1.3 研究目的、意义及方法 - 5 -
第2章 中小企业融资的基础理论 - 3 -
2.1 中小企业界定 - 6 -
2.1.1 国外中小企业界定标准 - 6 -
2.2 我国中小企业融资的含义及特点 - 8 -
2.2.1 我国中小企业融资的含义 - 8 -
2.2.2 我国中小企业融资的特点 - 9 -
2.3 中小企业融资的理论基础 - 10 -
2.3.1 信息不对称理论 - 10-
2.3.2 资源禀赋理论 - 11 -
2.3.3 营运资金融资理论 - 11 -
第3章 浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题集原因分析 - 13 -
3.1 浙江XX医药有限公司发展现状和财务状况概述 -13 -
3.1.1浙江XX医药有限公司发展现状 - 13 -
3.1.2浙江XX医药有限公司财务状况概述 - 13 -
3.2浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题 - 16 -
3.3浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题的原因分析 -17 -
3.3.1浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题的内部原因 - 17 -
3.3.2浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题的外部原因 - 18 -
第4章 浙江XX医药有限公司解决融资存在的问题的对策 - 24 -
4.1 加强企业自身能力。提高自身素质 - 24 -
4.1.1加强企业财务管理,加强信息可信度 - 24 -
4.1.2 提高管理水平,增强人员素质 - 24 -
4.2 充分发挥政府的职能,提供政策支持和法律保障 - 26 -
4.2.1 政府职能准确定位 - 26 -
4.2.2 建立扶持中小企业发展的专门机构和完善法律建 设 - 26 -
4.2.3 利用政策扶持,增强中小企业能力 - 27 -
4.3 完善金融体系,建立多方位融资渠道 - 28 -
4.3.1 建立中小金融,允许民间资金进入金融市场 - 28 -
4.3.2 健全中小企业信用评估系统 - 29 -
致谢 - 30 -
参考文献 - 31 -
关键词:中小企业 融资 融资问题 浙江xx医药有限公司
Since reform and opening up, with the individual economy and private economy booms, as well as restructuring of state-owned enterprises, small and medium enterprises has now become China's economic development as an important force. Transition period, has a comparative advantage, differentiation and diversification of the small and medium enterprises, market-oriented and adapt to the characteristics of factor endowment, for China's economic development has made tremendous contributions in the expansion of employment, an active market, such as changes in economic structure has played a very important role.
Based on the small and medium enterprises under the special group to Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. as an example, the use of the basic theoretical knowledge of the financing of Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. financing problems in analysis, to propose a solution. Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. financing the main problems: the financing channels for a single, enterprise funds are more tense, difficult, such as bank borrowings. To solve these problems, this article from the internal and external financing at the same time analyzing the problems of its underlying causes. At the same time, based on the reality of Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd. financing problems,from the micro-macro perspective of the feasibility of proposed countermeasures.
Key words:Financing,Financing problem, Small and medium-sized Enterprises, Zhejiang KangSheng Medicine Co., Ltd.
目 录
摘 要 - 1 -
第1章 绪论 - 1 -
1.1 选题背景 - 1 -
1.2 国内外研究现状 - 2 -
1.2.1 国内研究现状 - 2 -
1.2.2 国外研究现状 - 4 -
1.3 研究目的、意义及方法 - 5 -
第2章 中小企业融资的基础理论 - 3 -
2.1 中小企业界定 - 6 -
2.1.1 国外中小企业界定标准 - 6 -
2.2 我国中小企业融资的含义及特点 - 8 -
2.2.1 我国中小企业融资的含义 - 8 -
2.2.2 我国中小企业融资的特点 - 9 -
2.3 中小企业融资的理论基础 - 10 -
2.3.1 信息不对称理论 - 10-
2.3.2 资源禀赋理论 - 11 -
2.3.3 营运资金融资理论 - 11 -
第3章 浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题集原因分析 - 13 -
3.1 浙江XX医药有限公司发展现状和财务状况概述 -13 -
3.1.1浙江XX医药有限公司发展现状 - 13 -
3.1.2浙江XX医药有限公司财务状况概述 - 13 -
3.2浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题 - 16 -
3.3浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题的原因分析 -17 -
3.3.1浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题的内部原因 - 17 -
3.3.2浙江XX医药有限公司融资存在的问题的外部原因 - 18 -
第4章 浙江XX医药有限公司解决融资存在的问题的对策 - 24 -
4.1 加强企业自身能力。提高自身素质 - 24 -
4.1.1加强企业财务管理,加强信息可信度 - 24 -
4.1.2 提高管理水平,增强人员素质 - 24 -
4.2 充分发挥政府的职能,提供政策支持和法律保障 - 26 -
4.2.1 政府职能准确定位 - 26 -
4.2.2 建立扶持中小企业发展的专门机构和完善法律建 设 - 26 -
4.2.3 利用政策扶持,增强中小企业能力 - 27 -
4.3 完善金融体系,建立多方位融资渠道 - 28 -
4.3.1 建立中小金融,允许民间资金进入金融市场 - 28 -
4.3.2 健全中小企业信用评估系统 - 29 -
致谢 - 30 -
参考文献 - 31 -