

xx电力公司成本费用核算制度设计毕业论文,摘 要成本费用核算是工业企业的一种经济管理方法,随着社会主义市场经济的不断深化和完善,成本费用核算已经成为企业财务核算的一种重要手段和组成部分。要使企业在市场竞争的环境中生存、发展和壮大,实现企业价值最大化,加强成本费用的控制就显得极其重要,如何更合理、更科学地进行成本费用的控制,是企业管理的永恒主题,尤其是随着市场竞...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要

关键词 成本费用 成本费用核算 成本控制制度 成本费用内部控制

The cost accounting of industrial enterprises is a method of economic management, with the socialist market economy, deepening and improvement of cost accounting financial accounting has become an important and integral part of the means. For enterprises to compete in the market environment for survival, development, and growth to maximize corporate value and strengthen the control of costs it is extremely important, how a more rational, more scientific way of cost control, is the eternal theme of corporate governance , especially with the increasingly fierce market competition, strengthening cost control to improve the competitiveness of enterprises has become a major means of force.Control the cost of doing business in the enterprise cost accounting theory and practice is very important status, it is the most important economic management and the most effective means.
In the German electricity companies, the cost of internal accounting control is not perfect, so the cost of the company's internal accounting controls designed by the design of control systems as well as the design of cost accounting methods, to reduce the cost of reducing waste to achieve the minimum cost, to improve economic efficiency in favor of better management. In this paper, the division of control positions; authority to authorize the control; direct cost control; supervision and inspection of several areas, such as described, in particular how a more rational, more scientific way to control costs, the paper proposed to explore.

Keywords expense cost cost control cost control system the cost of internal control

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II

第1章 企业概况 1
1.1企业简介 1
1.2组织机构 1
1.3选题背景 2
第2章 xx电力公司成本核算方法选择设计 4
2.1成本计算方法的比较 4
2.2xx电力公司成本计算方法选择 7
第3章 xx电力公司成本费用核算制度设计 9
3.1xx电力公司成本费用的确认设计 9
3.1.1生产成本的确认 9
3.1.2期间费用的确认 11
3.2成本费用科目设计 11
3.3会计凭证和账簿设计 13
3.4成本计算程序 16
3.5成本费用核算的设计 18
3.5.1原材料费用的核算 18
3.5.2工资费用的核算 19
3.5.3制造费用的核算 19
3.5.4期间费用的核算 20
第4章 xx电力公司成本费用内控制度设计 22
4.1成本费用的岗位责任制 22
4.2成本费用的授权批准制度 23
4.3直接成本控制制度 23
4.3.1直接人工费的控制 23
4.3.2直接材料费的控制 24
4.4领发料及退料控制制度 25
4.4.1领发料的控制 25
4.4.2退料的控制 25
4.5期间费用的控制 26
4.6库存商品的控制 26
4.7成本费用内部控制的监督检查制度 27
结束语 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31