

基于c51的声光报警设计,基于c51的声光报警设计摘 要本设计的目的在于把各种现代化的报警系统中的公共部分光电报警部分提取出来,独立成系统。降低其他设计者开发新的报警装置的时间成本。本设计的声光报警系统是以at89c52单片机为核心,完成对输入信号的条件判断,并控制相应的led和蜂鸣器动作,从而达到根据外部条件发出警报的目的。本设计最终实现了,...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布


摘    要





Sound and light alarm system as a common alarm systems is widely used in area of  production and human life. The aim of the design is making the public part of the photoelectric alarm in the modern alarm system and lets the part work as a independent system. This design would help other designers reduce time cost for development. The design of sound and light alarm system is based on AT89C52 MCU core. LED corresponding the input signals fuction and buzzer control function to achieve the alarm according to the purpose of external conditions are performed in this design. In the design, infrared remote control of the alarm reset, multi-frequency sound alarm and the led water flow are finally realizied.  Additionally, the liquid crystal display module is added to clearly show the current state of SCM and a speaker is also designed to improve the sound effects and  alarm style .

Key words:  sound and light alarm, AT89C52, remote control, LCD display
目   录
摘    要 I
目   录 III
1绪论 1
1.1课题开发背景 1
1.2课题研究目的与意义 1
1.2.1 课题目的 1
1.2.2 课题意义 1
1.2.3 本文主要工作 2
2 声光报警系统设计思路及其设计工具 3
2.1系统总体设计 3
2.2.1 AT89C52单片机功能特性概述 4
2.2.2 AT89C52单片机主要引脚功能概述 5
2.2.3 AT89C52单片机主要定时/计数器功能介绍 5
2.3单片机仿真软件 Proteus简介 5
3 系统方案选择及论证 7
3.1发声方案的选择 7
3.1.1  方案一:蜂鸣器发声 7
3.1.2 方案二:喇叭发声 7
3.2控制方案的选择 7
3.2.1方案一:红外遥控控制 7
3.2.2方案二:按键电路控制 7
3.3 显示方案的选择 8
3.3.1方案一:液晶显示 8
3.3.2方案二:LED灯显示 8
3.3.3 方案三:数码管显示 8
4 声光报警系统各模块的设计 9
4.1硬件部分 9
4.1.1单片机最小系统 9
4.1.2 LED流水灯报警模块 10
4.1.3 蜂鸣器报警模块 11
4.1.4 喇叭报警模块 12
4.1.5 LCD液晶显示报警模块 12
4.1.6 远红外控制模块 14
4.1.7 按键控制模块 16
4.2.1 主程序部分 17
4.2.2 LCD液晶文字显示部分 17
4.2.3 红外控制部分 19
5 声光报警系统的调试 21
5.1 Proteus和keill的仿真器仿真 21
5.2 各个模块系统硬件调试 23
5.2.1 LED流水灯报警模块 23
5.2.2 LCD液晶显示报警模块 23
6  总结与展望 24
6.1 结论 24
6.2 展望 24
参考文献 25
致谢 26
附录: 27
附录A:源程序代码 27
附录C:系统设计总图 36