

商业银行汽车消费信贷的风险与防范(毕业论文),专业:金融学(此论文共9333字)摘 要随着人们消费水平的提高,消费贷款也普遍被消费者所接受,汽车消费信贷在其中占很大比例。我国汽车消费贷款自1998年9月中国人民银行出台《汽车消费贷款管理办法》起至今已有10年的历史。经过10年的发展,我国的汽车消费贷款市场起起伏伏,经历了...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布

摘 要
As people raising the level of consumption, consumption loans are generally accepted by consumers,automobile consumption credit accounting for a large proportion in it。China auto loan since September 1998 the people's bank of China issued the "measures for the administration of auto loans has been have 10 years of history. After 10 years of development, China's auto loan market ups and downs, experienced prosperity and reduction process, and also exposed many problems. As commercial Banks and shoulder further improve automobile financial service level, accelerating automobile financial products and service mode innovation, timely review and revise and improve the auto loan management system, accelerate the development of auto loan, expand the automobile consumption for support, China's automotive industry development and the burden of expanding domestic demand. However, China's state-owned commercial bank of credit risk and operational risk, policy risk and market risk, etc doesn’t have a lot of knowledge. This article from the weak link of auto loans, through to the concept of the analysis of the present situation and development of state-owned commercial Banks auto loan risks are analyzed, meanwhile, explore for state-owned commercial Banks auto loan practice provides some useful suggestion.
Key Words: commercial bank;automobile consumption credit;risk management
目 录
1 引 言 1
2汽车消费信贷的概述 2
2.1汽车消费信贷的内涵 2
2.2汽车消费信贷的模式 2
2.2.1以银行为主体的直客模式 2
2.2.2 以经销商为主体的间客模式 2
2.2.3以非银行金融机构为主体的间客模式 2
2.3商业银行汽车消费信贷的特点 2
2.4商业银行汽车贷款的业务流程 3
3商业银行汽车消费信贷的发展状况 4
4商业银行汽车消费信贷中存在的风险 6
4.1信用风险 6
4.2操作风险 6
4.3政策性风险和市场风险 7
5商业银行汽车信贷风险的防范措施 8
5.1提高对汽车消费贷款的认识 8
5.2随时关注汽车市场状况,筛选优质客户,细分汽车产品市场 8
5.3加强对信用风险的控制 9
5.3.1实行个人信用基础数据库的共享 9
5.3.2尽快建立个人资信评估机构和登记制度 9
5.4防范操作风险 9
5.4.1加强对银行内部人员的管理教育 9
5.4.2加强对贷前的调查和贷后的管理 10
5.5密切关注国家汽车政策变化,严防政策性风险 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15