基于激光传感器智能车的设计与实现,摘 要教育部高等学校自动化专业教学指导委员会为加强大学生实践、创新能力和团队精神的培养,促进高等教育教学改革,将于2010年7月举办全国大学生第五届智能汽车竞赛。该竞赛要求以mc9s12xs128单片机为核心控制模块,使改装后的智能小车能够自动识别赛道,按照规定路线行进,以完成时间最短者...

此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布基于激光传感器智能车的设计与实现
摘 要
The Study and Realization of Smart Car
Based on Laser sensor
To enhance students practice, innovation and the cultivation of team spirit, and promote higher education reform, National University Students smart car race will be held in July 2010,sponsored by the Ministry of Education colleges the automated specialized teaching instruction subcommittee. We use MC9S12XS128 as the core control module, guiding the modified smart car tracks a set line, the winner is the team, whose smart car used the shortest time. This creative scientific and technological competition includes many disciplines ,such as control, pattern recognition, sensor technology, Electronic, electrical, computer, machinery and so on.
The main work of this topic is work of the hard drive and control algorithm, in order to realize intelligent car according to certain rules automatically detect road information, speed and stability of the best combination. Mainly includes hardware and software design. Software including track position accurately extracted black, steering, motor control module and pavement anti-interference module. The hardware circuit including power management, laser sensor, steering servo motor drive, speed detection hardware circuit.
Key words: MC9S12XS128;Smart car;Laser sensor
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 智能车比赛背景介绍 1
1.2 智能车比赛规则的简单介绍 1
1.2.1 比赛规则 1
1.2.2 对智能车比赛规则的分析及需要做的工作 5
2 智能车机械结构的研究 7
2.1 智能车车模参数 7
2.2 舵机和电机参数 8
2.3 舵机安装方式 9
2.4 前轮倾角的调整 10
2.5 前后轮差速机构调整 12
2.6 齿轮传动机构调整 13
2.7 传感器的设计安装 13
2.8 测速编码器的安装 14
2.9 其它机械结构的调整 15
2.10 整车结构安装图 15
3 硬件电路的设计 17
3.1 设计思路简介 17
3.2 单片机简介 17
3.3 最小系统 18
3.4 电源管理模块 20
3.4.1 电源供电模块 20
3.4.2 电机驱动 22
3.5 检测系统 24
3.5.1 前瞻的确定 25
3.5.2 激光管点亮与信号接收 25
4 智能车软件设计 29
4.1 软件设计总体流程 29
4.2 系统初始化设置 30
4.3 路径识别传感器信号采集处理 32
4.4 转向控制策略 38
4.5 车速控制策略 40
4.5.1 模拟PID控制原理 40
4.5.2 增量式PID控制原理 41
4.5.3 增量式PID算法程序 43
4.6 液晶显示模块 45
4.7 主程序 49
4.8 程序小结 52
5 总结 53
参考文献 54
致 谢 55
附录一 部分英文参考资料及译文 56
附录二 主要电路原理图 67
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