

mg6001400-wd型采煤机设计毕业论文,摘 要mg600/1400-wd型采煤机是大功率无链电牵引采煤机,采煤机截割部是采煤机的主要部件之一,主要承担截煤和装煤任务。截割部主要由箱体、原电机、输出轴、减速部分、除尘及冷却系统,润滑系统等组成。采煤机截割部减速器主要由固定减速器和摇臂行星减速起两部分组成,截割部机械传动由二级直齿传动和二级行星机传动实现,且末级...
分类: 论文>地质/地理论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要
关键词 采煤机 截割部 轴组件设计

MG600/1400-WD Shearer is linked with high-power electric traction Shearer, Shearer is Shearer cutting the Department of the main components of one of the main commitments with the latest coal and coal task. Cutting mainly by box, the original motor, the output shaft, the slowdown of the dust and cooling systems, lubrication system, and other components. Shearer cutting reducer mainly by the Ministry of fixed reducer and rocker slowdown from the planet composed of two parts, cutting mechanical transmission from two straight and two planetary gear transmission for transmission to achieve, Qiemo-round use of the sun floating Forms of planetary transmission. Rocker structure to take the form of increased drum of a loaded coal space further enhance the efficiency of coal; In order to adapt to different mining, through the replacement of a shaft and four-axis corresponding matching gear third gear transmission can be realized, the work achieved by the speed were 30.36 r / min, 35.2r/min, 40.6r/min. And at all levels and the corresponding drive shaft gear for the design calculations and the corresponding check, drawn Shearer cutting assembly of the structure of the plans and major parts map, the results meet the design requirements.
Keywords Shearer Cutting part Axis component design

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 选题背景 1
1.3 国内外采煤机发展及使用状况 1
1.3.1 国内采煤机的发展现状 1
1.3.2 国外电牵引采煤机技术特点及发展趋势 3
第2章 截割部传动总体设计 6
2.1 MG600/1400-WD截割部主要设计参数 6
2.2 总体方案确定 6
2.3 截割部电动机的选用 9
2.4 截割部传动比分配 10
2.5 截割部总体布局 10
第3章 机械系统传动设计 11
3.1齿轮设计 11
3.1.1 、齿轮设计与校核 11
3.1.2 、齿轮设计与校核 20
3.1.3 惰轮的设计 25
3.1.4 大齿轮设计与校核 25
3.1.5 一级行星齿轮设计与校核 32
3.1.6 二级行星齿轮设计与校核 41
3.2 轴的设计校核及轴承寿命计算 50
3.2.1 Ⅰ轴的设计校核及轴承寿命计算 50
3.2.2 Ⅱ轴的设计校核及轴承寿命计算 56
3.2.3 一级行星轮系太阳轮轴的设计校核及轴承寿命计算 62
3.2.4 一级行星轮轴的设计校核及轴承寿命计算 64
3.2.5 二级行星轮轴的设计校核及轴承寿命计算 66
3.2.6 二级行星架支承轴承计算 69
结 论 71
致 谢 72
参 考 文 献 73
附录1 75
附录2 79