此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
一 结构方案阶段:根据建筑的重要性,建筑所在地的抗震设防烈度,工程地质勘查报告,建筑场地的类别及建筑的高度和层数来确定建筑的结构形式,本工程采用的是框架结构;
二 结构计算阶段:包括荷载计算、内力计算和构件计算;
三 施工图设计阶段:根据上述计算结果,来最终确定构件布置和构件配筋以及根据规范的要求来确定结构构件的构造措施。
关键词: 框架结构;荷载计算;节点验算;
This graduation project is an office building , it was some of structural design that mainly carried on. The structural design expresses the thing that the engineer will express in structural language in brief. The structural language is structural elements simplified out refined from the building and other specialized drawings of structural engineer, including foundation, wall, column, roof beam, board, stair, full-page proof detail picture, etc.. Then come to form the structural systems of the building or structures with these structural elements, including verticality and bearing and resist strength system of level, and then various load that situation produce in a most succinct way from transmission to foundation.
The stage of the structural design can be divided into three stages on the whole:
1. Structural scheme stage: According to the importance of the building, providing fortification against earthquakes in the earthquake intensity, the geologic prospect report of the project of the building site, classification and height and storey of the building of the building field are counted to confirm the structural form of architecture, what this project is adopted is frame structure;
2. Calculate stage in structure: Including loading and calculating, the internal force is calculated and calculated with the component;
3. Construction drawings design phase: According to described above result of calculation, come, confirm component assign with component mixing muscling and coming, confirming structural structure measuring of component according to the request of norm finally.
Keyword: Frame structure; Load and calculate; Nodal checking computations.
摘 要 I
目录 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题意义 1
1.2 工程概况 1
1.3设计内容与方法 2
1.3.1建筑设计 2
1.3.2结构设计 2
1.3.3结构电算部分 4
第2章建筑设计简介 5
2.1简介设计步骤 5
2.2规划选址 5
2.3多层建筑的结构选型 5
2.4总平面图设计 5
2.5平面设计 6
2.6立面设计 7
2.7剖面设计 8
2.8防火设计 9
2.9建筑装饰材料 9
第3章结构设计 11
3.1工程概况 11
3.2结构布置及计算简图 11
3.3梁、板的截面尺寸 11
3.4柱的截面尺寸 11
3.5重力荷载计算 13
3.5.1屋面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 13
3.5.2楼面可变荷载标准值 13
3.5.3其他活荷载标准值 13
3.5.4柱、墙、窗、门重力荷载计算 13
3.5.5重力荷载代表值的计算 15
3.6 框架侧移刚度计算 15
3.6.1横向框架侧移刚度计算 15
3.6.2纵向框架侧移刚度计算 18
3.7 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 18
3.7.1横向水平地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 18
3.8 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 28
3.8.1 横向框架内力计算 28
3.8.2 内力计算 33
3.8.3 横向框架内力组合 40
3.8.4 框架柱内力组合 40
3.9 截面设计 48
3.9.1 框架梁 48
3.9.2框架柱 52
3.9.3 框架梁、柱节点核芯区截面抗震验算 71
3.10 楼板屋盖设计 71
3.10.1楼板的荷载计算 72
3.10.2楼板的计算跨度 72
3.10.3楼板的弯矩计算 73
3.10.4楼板的截面设计 74
3.10.5屋盖的荷载计算 75
3.10.6屋盖的计算跨度 75
3.10.7屋盖的弯矩计算 76
3.10.8屋盖的截面设计 76
3.11楼梯的设计 77
3.11.1楼梯板的设计 78
3.11.2 平台板设计 79
3.11.3平台梁的设计 80
3.12基础设计 82
3.12.1地质条件 82
3.12.2 确定基础埋深 82
3.12.3边柱基础设计 83
3.12.4中柱联合基础设计 86
结 论 90
参考文献 91
致 谢 92
附录1(译文) 93
附录2(外文) 98
一 结构方案阶段:根据建筑的重要性,建筑所在地的抗震设防烈度,工程地质勘查报告,建筑场地的类别及建筑的高度和层数来确定建筑的结构形式,本工程采用的是框架结构;
二 结构计算阶段:包括荷载计算、内力计算和构件计算;
三 施工图设计阶段:根据上述计算结果,来最终确定构件布置和构件配筋以及根据规范的要求来确定结构构件的构造措施。
关键词: 框架结构;荷载计算;节点验算;
This graduation project is an office building , it was some of structural design that mainly carried on. The structural design expresses the thing that the engineer will express in structural language in brief. The structural language is structural elements simplified out refined from the building and other specialized drawings of structural engineer, including foundation, wall, column, roof beam, board, stair, full-page proof detail picture, etc.. Then come to form the structural systems of the building or structures with these structural elements, including verticality and bearing and resist strength system of level, and then various load that situation produce in a most succinct way from transmission to foundation.
The stage of the structural design can be divided into three stages on the whole:
1. Structural scheme stage: According to the importance of the building, providing fortification against earthquakes in the earthquake intensity, the geologic prospect report of the project of the building site, classification and height and storey of the building of the building field are counted to confirm the structural form of architecture, what this project is adopted is frame structure;
2. Calculate stage in structure: Including loading and calculating, the internal force is calculated and calculated with the component;
3. Construction drawings design phase: According to described above result of calculation, come, confirm component assign with component mixing muscling and coming, confirming structural structure measuring of component according to the request of norm finally.
Keyword: Frame structure; Load and calculate; Nodal checking computations.
摘 要 I
目录 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题意义 1
1.2 工程概况 1
1.3设计内容与方法 2
1.3.1建筑设计 2
1.3.2结构设计 2
1.3.3结构电算部分 4
第2章建筑设计简介 5
2.1简介设计步骤 5
2.2规划选址 5
2.3多层建筑的结构选型 5
2.4总平面图设计 5
2.5平面设计 6
2.6立面设计 7
2.7剖面设计 8
2.8防火设计 9
2.9建筑装饰材料 9
第3章结构设计 11
3.1工程概况 11
3.2结构布置及计算简图 11
3.3梁、板的截面尺寸 11
3.4柱的截面尺寸 11
3.5重力荷载计算 13
3.5.1屋面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 13
3.5.2楼面可变荷载标准值 13
3.5.3其他活荷载标准值 13
3.5.4柱、墙、窗、门重力荷载计算 13
3.5.5重力荷载代表值的计算 15
3.6 框架侧移刚度计算 15
3.6.1横向框架侧移刚度计算 15
3.6.2纵向框架侧移刚度计算 18
3.7 横向水平荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 18
3.7.1横向水平地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 18
3.8 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 28
3.8.1 横向框架内力计算 28
3.8.2 内力计算 33
3.8.3 横向框架内力组合 40
3.8.4 框架柱内力组合 40
3.9 截面设计 48
3.9.1 框架梁 48
3.9.2框架柱 52
3.9.3 框架梁、柱节点核芯区截面抗震验算 71
3.10 楼板屋盖设计 71
3.10.1楼板的荷载计算 72
3.10.2楼板的计算跨度 72
3.10.3楼板的弯矩计算 73
3.10.4楼板的截面设计 74
3.10.5屋盖的荷载计算 75
3.10.6屋盖的计算跨度 75
3.10.7屋盖的弯矩计算 76
3.10.8屋盖的截面设计 76
3.11楼梯的设计 77
3.11.1楼梯板的设计 78
3.11.2 平台板设计 79
3.11.3平台梁的设计 80
3.12基础设计 82
3.12.1地质条件 82
3.12.2 确定基础埋深 82
3.12.3边柱基础设计 83
3.12.4中柱联合基础设计 86
结 论 90
参考文献 91
致 谢 92
附录1(译文) 93
附录2(外文) 98