基于plc全自动洗衣机毕业设计,基于plc全自动洗衣机毕业设计摘 要该设计描述了洗衣机由进水、 洗涤、排水、脱水、报警到自动停机的循环过程,并设计相应的系统软件,结合相应的硬件系统,提高控制系统的可靠性,全自动洗衣机应用了可编程控制器,它的功能强、可靠性极强、编程简单、使用方便、体积小。它结合全自动洗衣机控制系统的要求,进行程序的设计,从主要部件的选...
此文档由会员 lutuozhe 发布基于PLC全自动洗衣机毕业设计
摘 要
该设计描述了洗衣机由进水、 洗涤、排水、脱水、报警到自动停机的循环过程,并设计相应的系统软件,结合相应的硬件系统,提高控制系统的可靠性,全自动洗衣机应用了可编程控制器,它的功能强、可靠性极强、编程简单、使用方便、体积小。它结合全自动洗衣机控制系统的要求,进行程序的设计,从主要部件的选择、流程的分析、程序思路的产生来完成本次设计任务。从而实现对可编程控制。
The design is described by the water washing machines, washing, drainage, dewatering, alarm to automatically stop the cycle, and design the appropriate system software, combined with the appropriate hardware system to improve control system reliability, application of a programmable automatic washing machine controller, it features strong, highly reliable, simple to program, easy to use, small size. Automatic washing machine control system which combines the requirements for the design process, from the main part of the selection, process analysis, idea generation process to complete this design task. To realize the programmable control.
This design introduces a fully automatic washing machine works, plc control system modeling and resource allocation, control system programming and debugging. According to the working principle of automatic washing machine, using a programmable controller for control.
Keywords: PLC: washing machine; automatic; programmable controller