

论商务英语谈判技巧(英文),英语专业本科毕业论文摘 要:商务英语谈判中有许许多多谈判技巧,此论文主要目的在于突出商务谈判技巧中的语言技巧。在正文中,首先分析了谈判的必要程序,然后进行谈判语言技巧的研究。在谈判的语言技巧中有很多重要的技巧。为了在谈判中获胜,有四个技巧不容忽视——交流的技巧,恭维的技巧,间接表达的技巧和说服...
分类: 论文>英语论文


此文档由会员 lutuozhe 发布



摘  要:商务英语谈判中有许许多多谈判技巧,此论文主要目的在于突出商务谈判技巧中的语言技巧。在正文中,首先分析了谈判的必要程序,然后进行谈判语言技巧的研究。在谈判的语言技巧中有很多重要的技巧。为了在谈判中获胜,有四个技巧不容忽视——交流的技巧,恭维的技巧,间接表达的技巧和说服的技巧。通过很好的掌握并有效地运用这些技巧,可以达到令人满意的结果并和对手建立起和谐的友谊,得到长远合作的机会。

关键词:商务谈判; 语言; 沟通;语言技巧






On the Skills of Commercial English Negotiation

Abstract :There are hundreds of negotiation skills in the commercial English negotiation; this paper mainly attempts to highlight the language skills. In the context, I firstly analyze the necessary processes about commercial English negotiation, and then come into the study of the language skills; there are many important aspects of language skills in commercial English negotiation. To make commercial English negotiation successful, these four aspects —skills of communication, skills of compliments, skills of applying indirectness and skills of persuasive can never be ignored. Good commanding and effect using of the language skills can help you to achieve a satisfactory result, establish harmonious relationships and gain further cooperation with the counterpart.
Commercial English negotiation is a process full of conflicts and arguments.  Conflicts would appear consequently when two parties try to maximize their individual interests. If they persist in their own opinions, the negotiation will become unproductive, detrimental to the arrival of agreements. Understandably, negotiators would employ various techniques at this time. Then the purposeful use of language comes in. As a language user as well as a negotiator, you must consciously or unconsciously adapt your language to meet the need of perpetual changing situation. In negotiating, you can see a successful negotiator not only takes language as a communicative tool, but also as a very useful skill. Their proper and skillful use of language skills can effectively enhance the mutual trust and understanding among negotiators, so as to increase the odds for negotiation success, and reach a happy result which will benefit and satisfy both sides.

Key words: Commercial Negotiation; Language; Communication; Language Skills


摘要………………………………………………………………………. ...................................I
关键字………………………………………………………………………. ..............................I
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………….....................II
Key words………………………………………………………………………….......................II
Introduction………………………………………………………………………. ......................1
1. Negotiation……………………………………………………………………….....................1
1.1 Stages of negotiation………………………………………………………........................2
1.1.1 Pre-negotiation………………………………………………………......................2
1.1.2 Face-to-face negotiation……………………………………………........................3
1.1.3 Post-negotiation………………………………………………………....................4
1.2 Seven steps of negotiation………………………………………………….......................4
1.3 Types of Negotiation…………………………………………………………....................5
2. Language in negotiation…………………………………………………………....................6
2.1The power of language ………………………………………………………....................6
2.2 The Power of body language……………………………………………….......................7
2.3 Language’s role in creating meaning……………………………………...........................9
2.4 Communication ……………………………………………………….............................10
2.4.1 The importance of communication…………………………………..................11
3. Language approach in negotiation ……………………………………………....................12
3.1 Listening and Questioning skill…………………………………………….....................12
3.1.1 Listening………………………………………………………..........................12
3.1.2 Questioning …………………………………………………….........................13
3.2 skills of compliments ………………………………………………………....................14
3.2.1 Choices of commendatory words…………………………………....................15
3.2.2Comparison of Compliments between Chinese and English…………................15
3.3 skills of applying indirectness………………………………………………...................16
3.3.1 Reasons to apply indirectness………………………………………..................16
3.3.2 Choices of proper words……………………………………………..................16
3.3.3 Ways of expressing ………………………………………………......................17
3.4 persuasive skill in negotiation ………………………………………… ….....................17
4. How to reach agreement ……………………………………………………… ...................20
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….........................21
References………………………………………………………………………. .....................24