毕业设计 基于三菱plc的立体车库控制.doc
毕业设计 基于三菱plc的立体车库控制,毕业设计 基于三菱plc的立体车库控制摘 要立体停车库生产在中国是个新兴行业,立体停车库可缓解城市动、静态交通问题,改善居住环境,有效利用土地价值。本系统采用plc、计算机结合组态画面监控,按动按钮或控制组态画面即可完成汽车存取过程,操作简单,存取方便。控制电路部分采用交流接触器传统方式,使运行安全可靠。设计采用可分组...

此文档由会员 andey 发布毕业设计 基于三菱PLC的立体车库控制
摘 要
关键词 立体车库/可编程控制器/组态监控
PLC control three-dimensional garage system design
Three-dimensional stops the garage production in China is an emerging profession, three-dimensional stops the garage to be possible to alleviate the urban tendency, the static transportation question, the improvement environment, uses the land value effectively. This system uses PLC, the computer union configuration picture monitoring, presses the button or the control configuration picture then completes the automobile access procedure, the simplicity of operator, the deposit is convenient. The control circuit part selects the exchange contact device tradition method, causes the movement safe reliable. The design uses the separable combination, the module type installment, facilitates nimbly, has the maintenance easy to operate, the construction cost low status characteristic.
Aiming at urban residential, commercial, office buildings and busy district short time parking problem, the paper introduces the mitsubishi Q00J - PLC as the master is controlled by the three-dimensional garage scheme, design and develop a tower three-dimensional garage automaticcontrol system and constructing experimental model was developed. It can carry use of space, not only save covers an area of multilayer parking space, and towers appearance can be designed into a multi-purpose commercial billboards, to improve the economic benefit and practicability, tower three-dimensional garage for solving the modern intensive city parked his car is essential development value and broad application prospect. This system has simple operation, high automation, fast operation, high reliability characteristic
Key words Parking Programmable Logic Controller Configuration Monitoring
目 录
摘 要 2
目 录 4
1 引言 1
1.1 升降横移式 1
1.2 巷道堆垛式 1
1.3 垂直循环式 2
2 三菱PLC工作状态 2
2.1 PLC工作原理 2
2.2 PLC内部运作方式 3
2.3 PLC接入方式 4
2.4 PLC发展新动向 5
2.5 PLC平面光波导技术(通信) 7
3 双层立体车库功能介绍 7
3.1立体车库系统组成 7
3.2 PLC核心控制部分 8
3.3 立体车库控制要求 8
4 立体车库系统设计 9
4.1 PLC选择 9
4.2 I/O口分配 9
4.3 PLC外部接线端口图 10
4.4车位检测部分 11
4.5手动控制部分 11
4.6 软件设计 12
5 结论与讨论 12
致谢 14
参考文献 15
附录 16
附录1: 立体车库原理图 16
附录2.立体车库总程序 17