

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要


关键词 医药企业 国际化 SWOT分析 发展战略


In the 21century, the information and life science’s century, with the fast development of information and life science, the environment is changed greatly now, the macrocephalic multinational pharmaceutical enterprises began to compete with Chinese enterprises. The high speed development of information and network affected and changed the management of enterprises fundamentally , whose theory and method have been changed greatly. The enterprises pay more attention to the quality, service, effective ,difference ,personality, communication and mutual function—Internationalization age.
Competitive era, the pharmaceutical enterprises dangerous, risky, For the stable development of enterprises, international development is the trend of the times no one was to blame. Looking at the alternative medicine industry and the situation, the urgent need for pharmaceutical companies to solve the problem is how to survive, how to develop, research and development strategies of international companies. Faced with the new environment, the vast majority of China's pharmaceutical enterprises of small and medium-sized pharmaceutical enterprises to develop international strategies must be a new breakthrough in order to conform to the trend of the times, and grasp the opportunity and meet the challenge.
This medicine enterprises from the internationalized development theory, through the analysis of domestic pharmaceutical industry, the SWOT analysis method, targeted for accelerating the status quo and the existing problems, and puts forward the detailed analysis of accelerating the development strategy of the company and the corresponding feasible plan, In China, to small and medium-sized enterprises in the pharmaceutical enterprise internationalization strategy similar for reference.

Key words Pharmaceutical companies Internationalization SWOT analysis
The choice of development strategy
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法 3
第2章 医药企业国际化发展综述 4
2.1 医药企业国际化发展 4
2.2 国内医药企业国际化经营状况 5
2.2.1 国内医药企业国际化发展动因 5
2.2.2 国内医药企业国际化发展现状 7
2.2.3 国内医药企业国际化发展的阻力 7
2.2.4 国内医药企业国际化优势 9
2.3 国外医药企业在华经营状况分析 10
第3章 XX药业公司国际化发展SWOT分析 12
3.1 SWOT分析方法 12
3.2 XX药业公司国际化发展SWOT分析 13
3.2.1 xx药业公司主要优势分析 13
3.2.2 xx药业公司主要劣势分析 15
3.2.3 xx药业公司主要机会分析 17
3.2.4 xx药业公司主要经营风险分析 18
3.3 SWOT分析及结论 19
第4章 XX药业公司国际化发展战略 21
4.1 发展战略的选择 21
4.1.1 “小而专、小而精”战略 21
4.1.2 依附经营战略 21
4.1.3 经营特色战略 22
4.1.4 技术创新战略 22
4.2 目标国的选择分析 24
4.2.1 亚洲国家 25
4.2.2 拉丁美洲国家 25
4.2.3 非洲国家 25
4.2.4 俄罗斯、东欧及独联体其他国家 25
4.2.5 美、日、欧等发达国家 26
4.3 合理安排投资方式 27
4.4 国际化发展战略的实施 27
4.4.1 转变管理理念,提升管理水平 27
4.4.2 树立全局意识,促进内外要素整合与管理协同 29
4.4.3 实施自主创新与资源外取相结合的研发模式 30
4.4.4 加强人力资源管理与开发,提高全员整体素质 32
4.4.5 引入竞争机制、实施动态管理 32
4.4.6 高度重视国际化人才的培养 33
4.4.7 加强企业的品牌开拓 33
4.4.8 提高企业文化发展 34

结束语 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37