xx集团的利润分配现状及存在问题的分析毕业论文,摘 要股利政策是公司财务的一个重要领域,是现代公司理财活动的三大核心内容之一,它既是公司筹资、投资活动的延续,也是公司理财活动的必然结果。恰当的股利政策,对于公司财务管理目标的实现以及良好公司形象的树立、增强广大投资者的信心都是有重要意义的。随着证券市场的发展,股利政策的重要性逐渐体现,就使得公司的经营决策者不得不认真...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 股份政策 利润分配 税收政策
The dividend policy is an important filled of a company’s finance,and it is one of the three core contents of modern company’s financial activation. It is not only the continuing of company’s activities of raising money and investment,but the certain result of the company’s financial activites.So an apt dividend policy is very important for the realization of a company’s financial object,it is also important to build up a company’s favourable visualize and to ensure the investors’ confidence of the company.With the development of the company to think about it seriously.
To formulate one to suit company's dividend policy, firsty should analyze the factors which influence the company’s s dividend policy, the company’s influencing factor is numerous, but different company receives the concrete will influence be will differ from. This article through to the Xingfa group appropriation of profit plan's research, discovers the influence appropriation of profit the factor, unifies the Xingfa group realistic situation, utilizes this company's related data, carries on qualitative, the quota, the contrastive analysis, and elaborated emphatically different benefit main body regarding appropriation of profit form different by chance, the free cash current capacity hypothesis as well as the stock subscriber option support corporate management level to regard the domination and own benefit by chance and discuss based on the company taxation consideration corporation profit assignment policy, points out the shareholder different income tax condition regarding the corporation profit assignment policy influence. And aimed at the Xingfa group operation present situation and the company different main body benefit proposed the countermeasure and the suggestion by chance, with the aim of causing the Xingfa group to make the reasonable appropriation of profit plan.
Key words stock company profits distribution tax policy
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 5
1.1研究背景 5
1.2研究现状 5
1.2.1国内研究现状 5
1.2.2国外研究现状 6
1.2.3评述 7
1.3 研究目的与意义 7
1.4研究方法 8
第二章 公司利润分配的相关理论 10
2.1 利润分配方法 10
2.1.1 运用现金分配股利 10
2.1.2派发股票股利 11
2.1.3 其他利润分配理论 12
2.1.4上市公司利润分配政策述评 12
2.2影响上市公司利润分配的因素 13
第三章 xx集团的利润分配现状及存在问题的分析 15
3.1 xx集团基本情况 15
3.2xx集团的利润分配现状分析 15
3.2.1xx集团财务状况 15
3.2.2xx集团的利润分配现状 17
3.3xx集团利润分配存在的问题 18
3.3.1现金股利分配金额过高 18
3.3.2当前的利润分配方案导致股票价值下降 19
3.3.3目前的利润分配方案不能满足公司不同利益主体 19
3.3.4现金股利分配金额高导致赋税高 19
第四章 xx集团利润分配问题的原因分析 20
4.1 xx集团不同利益主体对于利润分配政策的不同偏好 20
4.1.1控股股东的分配偏好——少分甚至不分配公司利润 20
4.1.2中小股东的分配偏好——保持稳定的利润分配比率 21
4.1.3公司管理层的分配偏好——看重控制权和自身利益 22
4.2 基于公司税收考量的公司利润分配政策 22
4.2.1税收非中性与公司利润分配政策 22
4.2.2 股东所得税状况对于公司利润分配政策的影响 23
4.2.3 债息与股利的税务处理差别 23
第五章.xx集团利润分配问题的解决对策及建议 24
5.1 根据具体的税收环境选择适当的利润分配方法 24
5.2 综合考虑不同利益主体利润分配方法 24
5.3 考虑公司现状的利润分配方法 25
结束语 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
关键词 股份政策 利润分配 税收政策
The dividend policy is an important filled of a company’s finance,and it is one of the three core contents of modern company’s financial activation. It is not only the continuing of company’s activities of raising money and investment,but the certain result of the company’s financial activites.So an apt dividend policy is very important for the realization of a company’s financial object,it is also important to build up a company’s favourable visualize and to ensure the investors’ confidence of the company.With the development of the company to think about it seriously.
To formulate one to suit company's dividend policy, firsty should analyze the factors which influence the company’s s dividend policy, the company’s influencing factor is numerous, but different company receives the concrete will influence be will differ from. This article through to the Xingfa group appropriation of profit plan's research, discovers the influence appropriation of profit the factor, unifies the Xingfa group realistic situation, utilizes this company's related data, carries on qualitative, the quota, the contrastive analysis, and elaborated emphatically different benefit main body regarding appropriation of profit form different by chance, the free cash current capacity hypothesis as well as the stock subscriber option support corporate management level to regard the domination and own benefit by chance and discuss based on the company taxation consideration corporation profit assignment policy, points out the shareholder different income tax condition regarding the corporation profit assignment policy influence. And aimed at the Xingfa group operation present situation and the company different main body benefit proposed the countermeasure and the suggestion by chance, with the aim of causing the Xingfa group to make the reasonable appropriation of profit plan.
Key words stock company profits distribution tax policy
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 5
1.1研究背景 5
1.2研究现状 5
1.2.1国内研究现状 5
1.2.2国外研究现状 6
1.2.3评述 7
1.3 研究目的与意义 7
1.4研究方法 8
第二章 公司利润分配的相关理论 10
2.1 利润分配方法 10
2.1.1 运用现金分配股利 10
2.1.2派发股票股利 11
2.1.3 其他利润分配理论 12
2.1.4上市公司利润分配政策述评 12
2.2影响上市公司利润分配的因素 13
第三章 xx集团的利润分配现状及存在问题的分析 15
3.1 xx集团基本情况 15
3.2xx集团的利润分配现状分析 15
3.2.1xx集团财务状况 15
3.2.2xx集团的利润分配现状 17
3.3xx集团利润分配存在的问题 18
3.3.1现金股利分配金额过高 18
3.3.2当前的利润分配方案导致股票价值下降 19
3.3.3目前的利润分配方案不能满足公司不同利益主体 19
3.3.4现金股利分配金额高导致赋税高 19
第四章 xx集团利润分配问题的原因分析 20
4.1 xx集团不同利益主体对于利润分配政策的不同偏好 20
4.1.1控股股东的分配偏好——少分甚至不分配公司利润 20
4.1.2中小股东的分配偏好——保持稳定的利润分配比率 21
4.1.3公司管理层的分配偏好——看重控制权和自身利益 22
4.2 基于公司税收考量的公司利润分配政策 22
4.2.1税收非中性与公司利润分配政策 22
4.2.2 股东所得税状况对于公司利润分配政策的影响 23
4.2.3 债息与股利的税务处理差别 23
第五章.xx集团利润分配问题的解决对策及建议 24
5.1 根据具体的税收环境选择适当的利润分配方法 24
5.2 综合考虑不同利益主体利润分配方法 24
5.3 考虑公司现状的利润分配方法 25
结束语 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28