

分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 jtch0503 发布




关键词:网上商城系统   动态网站    access数据库

Abstract:  With the rapid rise of Internet, networks are in an unprecedented impact in the impact of human activities, including the production and daily life of mankind. The birth and development network, to subvert the traditional methods of information dissemination, breaking the traditional modes of communication exists in time and space in the various barriers, greatly changed from the material to the human spirit, in form and in content, from production to the lives of all Kinds of activities, and to mankind has created new opportunities and challenges in the Internet service business: e-mail, search engines, online store, online trading, online advertising, network news, online games and other services are still developing rapidly. Internet has become the best collection of information channels and gradually enter the circulation areas. So e-commerce beginning of the epidemic, a growing number of online merchants set up online store, to the consumers to demonstrate a novel idea . Online shopping is a kind of interactive features of commercial information systems. It provides users with static and dynamic two types of information resources. The so-called static information than is often referred to those changes or updates of resources, such as the Company, management practices and corporate system; dynamic information is always changing information, such as commodity pricing, the meeting arrangements and training information. Internet shopping system is a powerful interactive features, will enable businesses and consumers to facilitate the transmission of information, to complete e-commerce or EDI transactions. The new deal means the inter-company documents and paperless exchange of funds.

第一章 网站系统需求分析 4
1.1网站的设计目标 4
1.2网站的可行性分析 4
1.2.1网站的深入调查-目前网上购物的现状 4
1.3该平台设计的主要功能 6
1.4网站设计的特点 6
1.5网站开发的设计思想 6
1.6系统设计的总体规则 7
第二章 网站的功能设计 8
2.1网站功能分析描述 8
2.2 平台功能模块的设计 9
2.3 系统流程分析 10
2.3.1前台购物流程图 12
2.3.2后台购物流程图 12
2.3.3注册功能流程图 12
2.3.4商品搜索流程图 14
2.3.5用户登录流程图 14
2.3.6商品管理流程图 15
2.3.7购物车流程图 15
第三章  网站数据库设计 16
3.1网站数据库需求分析 16
3.1.1数据库的分析 16
3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 18
第四章 网上商城系统测试 19
4.1前序 19
4.2测试 19
4.2.1、功能测试 19
4.2.2、可用性测试 20
4.2.3、安全性测试 20
4.4.4、总结 20
第五章 总结 21
5.1总结 21
5.2致谢 21
第六章 项目截图 22
第七章 参考文献 33