

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要

关键词 销售与收款 内部控制 风险防范

The enterprise marketing and the by cash gathering money of being related to enterprise directly are flowed into , are affect the mass to enterprise finacialy status and accounting, therefore, enterprise sells and the inside gathering mone of controls build science , rational , suitable for use, the behavior the norm being sold and gathering money of, keeps watch the abuse selling the error sum that process hits the target with gathering money of , is one big problem the inside accountant must solve as controlling.
The Temple of Heaven lead core company has been medium-sized one manufacturing enterprises , this one subject has unfolded the main body of book with selling around the Temple of Heaven lead core limited liability company and gathering money of mainly , the link the control theory wielding the inside being sold to the Temple of Heaven company and gathering money of has carried out analysis , centering on key control point , has suggested that to sell the scheme controlling design and being put into effect with gathering money of in the inside of link's. The main body of a book go into completely eradicates the risk selling the link inside hidden trouble , keeping watch sales on account to the Temple of Heaven company having real guiding significance , improving and perfecting controlling at the same time to inside of small and medium state enterprise also has certain draw lessons meaning。

Key words Sell with gathering money of The inside is controlled Implementation plan

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II

第1章 公司简介 1
第2章 XX铅芯公司销售与收款内部控制概述 2
2.1公司销售部门控制环境现状 2
2.2公司销售部门业务流程控制概述 3
2.3公司销售与收款内部控制中存在的问题概述 4
第3章 XX铅芯公司销售与收款核算制度设计 7
3.1销售与收款核算基本设计 7
3.3.1会计科目设计 7
3.3.2会计凭证设计 9
3.2销售与收款业务处理流程设计 14
3.3销售成本的结转设计 16
3.4销售收入的账务处理设计 16
第4章 公司销售与收款内部控制制度设计 18
4.1 销售与收款环节内部控制设计的目标和原则 18
4.2公司销售环节内部控制制度设计 19
4.2.1公司销售环节内部控制环境建设 19
4.2.2销售环节业务流程控制制度设计 21
4.3 公司应收账款环节内部控制制度设计 24
4.3.1应收账款的事前控制设计 24
4.3.2应收账款的事中控制设计 26
4.3.3应收账款的事后控制设计 27

结束语 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
附录1 33