

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

关键词 存货 发出计价 内部控制

China Sanjing Pharmaceutical is conducted business activities of Chinese Medicine Limited indispensable material conditions, and major pharmaceutical companies must rely on the production of a large number of Chinese herbal medicine as raw materials, in order to prevent unnecessary loss to the custody of Chinese medicine herbs are strict rules. It is necessary to strengthen the inventory management. Denominated issue through the stock valuation method of choice, and enterprises with the specific characteristics of the stock, option plans cost method for pricing. In the specific inventory control system design of the actual situation of the company's target stock procurement, inspection, warehousing management, a library, spent more reasonable, and other aspects of the design, through this several aspects of the design can guarantee that the production activities of drugs Smooth, help the company establish a sound internal control and management of inventory. In particular, the design focuses on the inventory of acceptance, custody, recipients, inventory, and other areas. It can prevent property theft, damage, loss and other damage to the economic interests of the companies act, a fundamental guarantee for the company in kind of efficiency.
Key words Inventory Denominated Issue Internal Control

摘要 1
Abstract 2
第1章 xx制药的企业概况 6
第2章 存货制度的变化及成本核算的选择 8
2.1存货的新旧制度变化 8
2.1.1新旧存货准则总体结构的差异 8
2.1.2新旧存货准则内容的差异 8
2.2 存货的计价方法 10
2.2.1实际成本法 10
2.2.2计划成本法 11
2.2.3xx制药的核算方法 12
第3章 xx制药存货制度的设计 13
3.1存货的科目设计 13
3.2存货的凭证设计 15
3.3xx制药存货的账簿设计 20
3.4xx制药存货核算的设计 22
3.4.1购进原材料的核算 22
3.4.2发出材料的核算 23
3.4.3包装物的核算 23
3.4.4产成品的核算 24
3.4.5委托加工物资的核算 24
3.5xx制药的存货清查制度 24
3.5.1存货清查的种类 24
3.5.2xx制药存货的清查方法 25
3.5.3存货清查的准备工作 25
3.5.4存货清查及结果的处理 25
3.6xx制药存货的减值的设计 26
3.7xx制药存货的管理 27
第4章 xx制药的内部控制制度 29
4.1采购业务内部控制制度 29
4.2销售业务内部控制制度 31
4.3存货内部控制制度 32
结束语 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录1 38
附录2 43