
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
In recent years, under the guidance of people-oriented scientific development view, humanistic thought of Marxist legal thought has received more attention. Meanwhile, under the background of globalization, the trend of legal development is paying attention to the protection and security of human rights. Under this background, through the particular interpretation of the legal thought of Marx, the founder of Marxist Jurisprudence, this paper explores the humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought, emphasizes its people-oriented spirit and promotes Chinese scholars to research the combination of the humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought and the construction of socialist legal system, in order to provide a new and broader view for our socialist legal construction of harmonious society. The content of this paper consists of four parts, the first two parts namely the overview of Marx’s legal thought, and the process of the evolution of Marx’s legal thought, grasp the basic of substance, class and society of law on macroscopic and point human is the subject and objective of law for the first time, which is the important content of Marx’s legal thought; through the finishing of development of Marx’s legal thought and his humanistic thought, clear the process of humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought; The third part distinguishes human in Marx’s legal thought from that of metaphysical law;Then interprets the human in Marx’s legal thought from the views of subject, object, and the value judgement of law and explores human rights, humanity, humanitarian and freedom and overall development of human of Marx’s legal thought; the final part, puts forward the theoretical and practical significance of the humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought based on the present situation of the legal system of our country; puts forward workable improvement and reform measures in the aspects of, judicial and law enforcement according to situations of our country and society; points that more attention should be paid to the legislation of Minsheng field and put forward the legal measures in order to inhibit and adjust the phenomenon of boom of stock and real estate. The paper consists fifty-eight referenced papers.
Key words: Marx;legal thought;humanistic thought;practical significance
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.2.1现实意义 1
1.2.2理论意义 2
1.3研究的内容与方法 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究方法 3
1.4文献综述 4
2马克思法律观概述 9
2.1马克思法律观定义 9
2.2马克思法律观的内容 9
2.2.1法的物质制约性 9
2.2.2人是法律的主体和目的 9
2.2.3法的阶级性和社会性 10
2.2.4法的发展规律 11
2.3 马克思法律观的特点 11
2.3.1 以人的本质入手探讨法的问题 11
2.3.2对法的分析与其它社会因素相联系 12
2.3.3马克思法律观的科学性 12
2.3.4马克思法律观的开放性 13
3马克思人本思想视域下的法律观演进 14
3.1 马克思早期的人本思想及其法律观 14
3.2 马克思过渡时期人本思想及其法律观 15
3.3 马克思成熟期的人本思想及其法律观 18
4马克思法律观中人本思想的解读 22
4.1马克思法律观中有关人的解读 22
4.1.1人是法的主体 22
4.1.2人的行为是法规范的对象 23
4.1.3人是法的价值的终极评判者 23
4.2 马克思法律观中人本思想的具体表现 24
4.2.1 确认和保障人权是对法的最基本要求 24
4.2.2对人性的关注是法合理存在的基础 25
4.2.3 保护弱势群体体现法的人道精神 26
4.2.4 人的自由与全面发展是法的最高价值追求 27
5马克思法律观中的人本思想对我国法制建设的意义 28
5.1我国当代法制建设中人本思想实施状况 28
5.1.1 历史的误区 :法律工具主义的盛行和个人权利保护的缺失 28
5.1.2我国人性化法制建设的新时期 29
In recent years, under the guidance of people-oriented scientific development view, humanistic thought of Marxist legal thought has received more attention. Meanwhile, under the background of globalization, the trend of legal development is paying attention to the protection and security of human rights. Under this background, through the particular interpretation of the legal thought of Marx, the founder of Marxist Jurisprudence, this paper explores the humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought, emphasizes its people-oriented spirit and promotes Chinese scholars to research the combination of the humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought and the construction of socialist legal system, in order to provide a new and broader view for our socialist legal construction of harmonious society. The content of this paper consists of four parts, the first two parts namely the overview of Marx’s legal thought, and the process of the evolution of Marx’s legal thought, grasp the basic of substance, class and society of law on macroscopic and point human is the subject and objective of law for the first time, which is the important content of Marx’s legal thought; through the finishing of development of Marx’s legal thought and his humanistic thought, clear the process of humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought; The third part distinguishes human in Marx’s legal thought from that of metaphysical law;Then interprets the human in Marx’s legal thought from the views of subject, object, and the value judgement of law and explores human rights, humanity, humanitarian and freedom and overall development of human of Marx’s legal thought; the final part, puts forward the theoretical and practical significance of the humanistic thought of Marx’s legal thought based on the present situation of the legal system of our country; puts forward workable improvement and reform measures in the aspects of, judicial and law enforcement according to situations of our country and society; points that more attention should be paid to the legislation of Minsheng field and put forward the legal measures in order to inhibit and adjust the phenomenon of boom of stock and real estate. The paper consists fifty-eight referenced papers.
Key words: Marx;legal thought;humanistic thought;practical significance
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.2.1现实意义 1
1.2.2理论意义 2
1.3研究的内容与方法 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究方法 3
1.4文献综述 4
2马克思法律观概述 9
2.1马克思法律观定义 9
2.2马克思法律观的内容 9
2.2.1法的物质制约性 9
2.2.2人是法律的主体和目的 9
2.2.3法的阶级性和社会性 10
2.2.4法的发展规律 11
2.3 马克思法律观的特点 11
2.3.1 以人的本质入手探讨法的问题 11
2.3.2对法的分析与其它社会因素相联系 12
2.3.3马克思法律观的科学性 12
2.3.4马克思法律观的开放性 13
3马克思人本思想视域下的法律观演进 14
3.1 马克思早期的人本思想及其法律观 14
3.2 马克思过渡时期人本思想及其法律观 15
3.3 马克思成熟期的人本思想及其法律观 18
4马克思法律观中人本思想的解读 22
4.1马克思法律观中有关人的解读 22
4.1.1人是法的主体 22
4.1.2人的行为是法规范的对象 23
4.1.3人是法的价值的终极评判者 23
4.2 马克思法律观中人本思想的具体表现 24
4.2.1 确认和保障人权是对法的最基本要求 24
4.2.2对人性的关注是法合理存在的基础 25
4.2.3 保护弱势群体体现法的人道精神 26
4.2.4 人的自由与全面发展是法的最高价值追求 27
5马克思法律观中的人本思想对我国法制建设的意义 28
5.1我国当代法制建设中人本思想实施状况 28
5.1.1 历史的误区 :法律工具主义的盛行和个人权利保护的缺失 28
5.1.2我国人性化法制建设的新时期 29