北京市xx数码科技有限公司绩效评价体系的研究毕业论文,摘要企业绩效评价是指对企业整体经营业绩和运作效率所作的综合性评价。传统的企业业绩评价体系不能全面、动态地反映企业经营过程中的问题,更不能与组织的战略目标和战略管理手段实现有机融合。正因为其存在诸多的不适应性,理论界和实务界越来越多地致力于绩效评价理论的创新。20世纪90年代以来,eva(economic value a...
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
企业绩效评价是指对企业整体经营业绩和运作效率所作的综合性评价。传统的企业业绩评价体系不能全面、动态地反映企业经营过程中的问题,更不能与组织的战略目标和战略管理手段实现有机融合。正因为其存在诸多的不适应性,理论界和实务界越来越多地致力于绩效评价理论的创新。20世纪90年代以来,EVA(Economic Value Added,经济增加值)和BSC(Balanced Score card,平衡计分卡)作为绩效评价理论的创新,对现代企业的管理产生了重大的影响。但两者在应用上具有局限性,可是他们具有较好的互补性,所以将EVA融入到平衡计分卡中,形成了一种新型的企业业绩评价方法——EVA综合计分卡来对xx数码科技有限公司进行绩效评价。
关键词 绩效评价 绩效评价体系 EVA综合计分卡 平衡计分卡
Enterprise performance eva luation refers to the overall business performance and operational efficiency eva luation of the integrated. Traditional enterprise performance eva luation system can not be comprehensive and reflect the dynamic business process, but not with the Organization's strategic objectives and strategies to achieve an organic integration of management tools. Because it is not adaptive, there are many theoretical and practical performance of more and more committed to the theory of innovation. 20th century since the 90's, EVA (Economic Value Added, Economic Value Added) and BSC (Balanced Score card, BSC) as a performance eva luation of the theory of innovation,
The management of modern enterprise has had a major impact. But both have limitations in the application, but they complement each other better, so this article will be EVA into the Balanced Scorecard, the formation of a new type of enterprise performance eva luation method - EVA comprehensive scorecard to Kim Yong-Digital Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out performance eva luation.
Construction of the performance eva luation of the system to adapt to the establishment of a Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing performance eva luation system. The use of established performance system solution Beijing Digital Technology Co., Ltd. problems. Used in the application of analytic hierarchy process, a comprehensive method to solve the weight of the indicators of the setting, at the same time a comprehensive performance eva luation by numerical calculation, the realization of the corporate performance eva luation, and suggestions to improve the enterprise management. Through case studies proved that the performance eva luation index system can be used as performance eva luation of the company at the time of reference. Of the study concluded thatTo study the problems and improvements.
Keywords Performance Assessment Comprehensive Performance Assessment System EVA Scorecard Balanced Scorecard
摘要 2
第1章 绪论 6
1.1 选题的背景 6
1.2 国内外研究的现状 7
1.2.1国外研究现状 7
1.2.2国内研究现状 9
1.3 研究目的和意义、思路及方法 10
1.3.1 研究目的 10
1.3.2 研究意义 11
1.3.3 研究思路 11
1.3.4研究方法 11
第2章 企业绩效评价相关理论 12
2.1企业绩效评价涵义 12
2.1.1企业绩效评价涵义 12
2.1.2企业绩效评价设计的原则 13
2.2经济增加值 14
2.2.1 EVA(经济增加值)的概述和基本思路 14
2.3平衡记分卡 15
2.3.1平衡计分卡的概 15
2.3.2 平衡计分卡的内容 16
第3章 XX数码科技有限公司绩效评价体系方法的确定 18
3.1 公司基本情况 18
第4章XX数码科技有限公司的绩效评价体系构建 21
4.1XX数码科技有限公司绩效评价体系评价的方法 21
4.2 公司绩效评价指标的设计 21
4.2.1财务层面绩效评价指标体系 22
4.2.2客户层面绩效评价指标体系 23
4.2.3内部业务流程层面绩效评价指标系 24
4.2.4学习与成长层面绩效评价指标体 25
4.3 公司绩效评价指标权重的设 26
4.5xx企业绩效评价指标体系建存在的问题及成因分析 33
结论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附录1 38
附录2 42
企业绩效评价是指对企业整体经营业绩和运作效率所作的综合性评价。传统的企业业绩评价体系不能全面、动态地反映企业经营过程中的问题,更不能与组织的战略目标和战略管理手段实现有机融合。正因为其存在诸多的不适应性,理论界和实务界越来越多地致力于绩效评价理论的创新。20世纪90年代以来,EVA(Economic Value Added,经济增加值)和BSC(Balanced Score card,平衡计分卡)作为绩效评价理论的创新,对现代企业的管理产生了重大的影响。但两者在应用上具有局限性,可是他们具有较好的互补性,所以将EVA融入到平衡计分卡中,形成了一种新型的企业业绩评价方法——EVA综合计分卡来对xx数码科技有限公司进行绩效评价。
关键词 绩效评价 绩效评价体系 EVA综合计分卡 平衡计分卡
Enterprise performance eva luation refers to the overall business performance and operational efficiency eva luation of the integrated. Traditional enterprise performance eva luation system can not be comprehensive and reflect the dynamic business process, but not with the Organization's strategic objectives and strategies to achieve an organic integration of management tools. Because it is not adaptive, there are many theoretical and practical performance of more and more committed to the theory of innovation. 20th century since the 90's, EVA (Economic Value Added, Economic Value Added) and BSC (Balanced Score card, BSC) as a performance eva luation of the theory of innovation,
The management of modern enterprise has had a major impact. But both have limitations in the application, but they complement each other better, so this article will be EVA into the Balanced Scorecard, the formation of a new type of enterprise performance eva luation method - EVA comprehensive scorecard to Kim Yong-Digital Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out performance eva luation.
Construction of the performance eva luation of the system to adapt to the establishment of a Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing performance eva luation system. The use of established performance system solution Beijing Digital Technology Co., Ltd. problems. Used in the application of analytic hierarchy process, a comprehensive method to solve the weight of the indicators of the setting, at the same time a comprehensive performance eva luation by numerical calculation, the realization of the corporate performance eva luation, and suggestions to improve the enterprise management. Through case studies proved that the performance eva luation index system can be used as performance eva luation of the company at the time of reference. Of the study concluded thatTo study the problems and improvements.
Keywords Performance Assessment Comprehensive Performance Assessment System EVA Scorecard Balanced Scorecard
摘要 2
第1章 绪论 6
1.1 选题的背景 6
1.2 国内外研究的现状 7
1.2.1国外研究现状 7
1.2.2国内研究现状 9
1.3 研究目的和意义、思路及方法 10
1.3.1 研究目的 10
1.3.2 研究意义 11
1.3.3 研究思路 11
1.3.4研究方法 11
第2章 企业绩效评价相关理论 12
2.1企业绩效评价涵义 12
2.1.1企业绩效评价涵义 12
2.1.2企业绩效评价设计的原则 13
2.2经济增加值 14
2.2.1 EVA(经济增加值)的概述和基本思路 14
2.3平衡记分卡 15
2.3.1平衡计分卡的概 15
2.3.2 平衡计分卡的内容 16
第3章 XX数码科技有限公司绩效评价体系方法的确定 18
3.1 公司基本情况 18
第4章XX数码科技有限公司的绩效评价体系构建 21
4.1XX数码科技有限公司绩效评价体系评价的方法 21
4.2 公司绩效评价指标的设计 21
4.2.1财务层面绩效评价指标体系 22
4.2.2客户层面绩效评价指标体系 23
4.2.3内部业务流程层面绩效评价指标系 24
4.2.4学习与成长层面绩效评价指标体 25
4.3 公司绩效评价指标权重的设 26
4.5xx企业绩效评价指标体系建存在的问题及成因分析 33
结论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附录1 38
附录2 42