基于flash mx 2004的动画短片设计和制作.doc
基于flash mx 2004的动画短片设计和制作,基于flash mx 2004的动画短片设计和制作摘要随着计算机进入千家万户,互联网成了人们日常生活的一部分。看着精美的网络广告、情节感人的动画短剧与mtv,那些大大小小flash作品让越来越多的人着迷。于是,一心想学会操作flash的朋友也越来越多,本人也是出于这个原因开始走入了macromedia flash的世界...

此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布基于Flash MX 2004的动画短片设计和制作
随着计算机进入千家万户,互联网成了人们日常生活的一部分。看着精美的网络广告、情节感人的动画短剧与MTV,那些大大小小Flash作品让越来越多的人着迷。于是,一心想学会操作Flash的朋友也越来越多,本人也是出于这个原因开始走入了Macromedia Flash的世界。第一次完整地创作了属于自己的动画作品“刻舟求剑”。并记录形成了文字。
关键词:遮罩 补间 引导层 剧本策划 GoldWave
As the computers come into thousands of family, the internet has become a part of our life. Looking at the fine network advertisements, the heart-warming plots of the short cartoons and MTVs. More and more people are captured by those various of Flash works. Thus, more and more friends want to study using the Flash intently. With the same reason I enter into the word of Macromedia Flash. Perfectly produce a cartoon “take measures without attention to” belong to me by myself for the first time. And record it into article.
This article introduces the basic knowledge of Flash, the technique to design and do a Flash “take measures without attention to”, and the perfect work of the upper working by chapters according to the basic idea of producing a Flash. And in the example of the cartoon “take measures without attention to”, chiefly discusses the skill of painting, the scheme of a play book, the flow of producing a cartoon. Besides these, this article also studies how to do the prepare work, how to well using the important techniques and methods appeared during the process of do a Flash cartoon, for instance, the important techniques appeared include the skill of drawing, the technique to using the toolbar, the technique to deal with the sound, the skill to deal with the detail of the cartoon, the skill to establish a button and so on , the methods important appeared include the method to using a filled frame, a cover layer or a lead line to produce a Flash and so on. Finally the article introduces the work should be done and the things should take attention to during the upper period of doing a Flash. In addition ,the article explains how to use the record software GoldWave, the whole-length chapters are intelligible, and the article is easy to read and understand with so many pictures and characters, and also the article is reasonable and has very good readability with so many examples.
However, because of my deficiency in drawing, the finally effect is a little coarse. It needs me to improve on in future.
Key words: cover, filled frame, lead layer, a play book to scheme, GoldWave.
目 录
绪论 1
第一篇 Flash MX 2004概述 2
第一章 初识 Flash MX 2004和硬件准备 2
第一节 Flash MX 2004 的运行环境 2
第二节 中文版Flash MX 2004的安装与启动 2
第三节 Flash的技术特点及应用 4
第二章 Flash MX 2004基础知识 5
第一节 灵活的操作界面 5
第二节 强大的绘图工具 7
第三节 导入外部资源 9
第四节 动画制作 11
第二篇 动画短片“刻舟求剑”的设计与制作 15
第三章 动画“刻舟求剑”的设计 15
第一节 设计要求 15
第二节 设计理念 15
第三节 短片剧本设计与策划 15
第三节 设计步骤及工作流程 18
第四章 动画“刻舟求剑”的制作 19
第一节 动画制作前的准备工作 19
第二节 Flash的制作流程 20
第三节 短片制作中关键动画技术的介绍 21
第三篇 后期完善 24
第五章 Flash动画制作的后期完善 24
第六章 小结 27
结束语 28
致谢 28
参考文献 28
附录 29