
此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布声反馈研究
The acoustical feedback is refers to a part of the audio frequency signal and the input signal adds to the input end with the same phase, causes the amplitude of some certain frequency continuous enlargement, at last causes certain frequencies shaking. Acoustical feedback caused by the roar not only undermine the entire sound system to the normal working condition, and let the speaker or actor rather agitate for viewers and listeners disappointing let audio equipment operators is very embarrassing. Therefore, the understanding of the acoustic feedback to find better ways to avoid or minimize the roar is very crucial and very important to have practical significance. This article takes the acoustical feedback in the sound amplifying system electric pickup process the common work normal state comes the earnest research, using the loop gain analysis method discussion acoustical feedback phenomenon, has analyzed the essential reason which thoroughly carefully the acoustical feedback produces, and suppresses the processing method based on different equipment's each kind, and carries on the contrast to each method, discovers the respective good and bad points, thus achieves the integrated control the goal. Moreover, this article also carried the acoustical feedback phenomenon on the preliminary analysis to the actual indoor sound amplification to discuss, then completed a complete topic research.
Key words: acoustical feedback; roar; gain; peak , valley point;
第一章 引言………………………………………. 4
第二章 声反馈简介……………………………….. 4
2.1 声反馈的形成机理…………………………………. 4
2.2 声反馈的形成条件…………………………………. 5
2.3 声反馈的危害………………………………………. 7
第三章 室内声反馈分析……………………………. 7
第四章 声反馈的抑制……………………………… 11
4.1 物理改变………………………………………….. 12
4.1.1 使音箱的声音不易传到传声器中………………... 12
4.1.2 搞好房间建筑声学设计………………………... 13
4.1.3 合理选用音箱 …………………………………. 13
4.1.4 合理选用传声器 ………………………………. 14
4.2 防啸叫技术方案实施的原理及优劣对比………… 14
4.2.1 频率均衡方式抑制啸叫……………………………. 15
4.2.2 移频方式抑制啸叫…………………………………. 17
4.2.3 移相方式抑制啸叫…………………………………. 19
4.2.4 延时方式抑制啸叫…………………………………. 19
4.2.5 其他…………………………………………………. 20
【总结】………………………………………………………. 21
【致谢】………………………………………………… 22
【参考文献】……………………………………… 23
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