
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
Stock enterprise in the daily activities held for sale of products or commodities in the production process of the product, in the production process or services consumed in the process of material or materials, including various types of materials, products, semi-finished productsfinished products, goods and packaging, Audit & of agency merchandise.It is the balance sheet in current assets is an important project, is also a Sun Yi table sales and cost of sales sources.Therefore, income stocks, issue, balance the recognition, measurement, recording and reporting is correct, have a direct or indirect bearing on the corporate financial and operating results are correct, then Fu will affect income tax, income distribution and the performance of enterprise managementeva luation and other aspects.Enterprises through the design consistent with the characteristics of its own management control and accounting methods, to enhance inventory management, inventory Anquan ensure and promote the normal inventory turnover, and maximize sales revenue for products, lower product cost of sales and sales management costs is of great significance.So design a good stock of business materials, materials procurement and payment, acceptance of warehousing, storage and dissemination of such links also essential.This according to the actual situation in a clock factory in Harbin, inventory operations of its accounting system design.
Keywords:Inventory, inventory accounting, internal control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 业概况 1
1.1 自然情况 1
1.2 组织结构 1
第2章 存货发出计价方法 3
2.1 企业存货计价方法的比较 3
2.1.1 企业存货计价方法的种类和对存货成本的影响 3
2.1.2 企业存货计价方法的比较、优缺点和适用范围 4
2.2 企业存货计价的原则及考虑因素 5
2.2.1 企业存货计价方法的原则 5
2.2.2 企业存货计价方法的选择应考虑的因素 6
2.2.3企业存货计价方法选择的纳税筹划 7
第3章 存货核算设计 9
3.1 存货成本的确定 9
3.1.1 存货的采购成本 9
3.1.2 存货的加工成本 9
3.1.3 存货的其他成本 9
3.2 原材料的核算 10
3.2.1 科目设置 10
3.2.2 账务处理 11
3.3 包装物的核算 13
3.3.1 包装物的内容 13
3.3.2 包装物的账务处理 14
3.4 低值易耗品的核算 15
3.4.1 低值易耗品的内容 15
3.4.2 低值易耗品的账务处理 15
3.5 库存商品的核算 16
3.5.1 库存商品的内容 16
3.5.2 库存商品的账务处理 16
3.6 存货清查 16
3.6.1 存货清查的内容 16
3.6.2 存货盘盈的账务处理 17
3.6.3 存货盘亏及损毁的账务处理 18
3.7 存货减值 19
3.7.1 存货跌价准备的计提和转回 19
3.7.2 存货跌价准备的账务处理 19
第4章 存货业务内部控制制度设计 21
4.1 岗位的分工与授权批准制度设计 21
4.1.1 岗位的分工制度 21
4.1.2 授权批准制度 21
4.2 存货预算制度设计 21
4.3 存货的请购与采购控制设计 22
4.3.1 请购与采购制度要求 22
4.3.2 存货入库程序设计 23
4.4 验收与保管控制设计 23
4.4.1 验收与保管的要求 23
4.4.2 验收与保管的制度设计 24
4.5 领用与发出控制设计 24
4.5.1 领用与发出的要求 24
4.5.2 领用与发出的具体设计 25
4.6 盘点与处置控制设计 25
结束语 27
参 考 文 献 28
致 谢 30
Stock enterprise in the daily activities held for sale of products or commodities in the production process of the product, in the production process or services consumed in the process of material or materials, including various types of materials, products, semi-finished productsfinished products, goods and packaging, Audit & of agency merchandise.It is the balance sheet in current assets is an important project, is also a Sun Yi table sales and cost of sales sources.Therefore, income stocks, issue, balance the recognition, measurement, recording and reporting is correct, have a direct or indirect bearing on the corporate financial and operating results are correct, then Fu will affect income tax, income distribution and the performance of enterprise managementeva luation and other aspects.Enterprises through the design consistent with the characteristics of its own management control and accounting methods, to enhance inventory management, inventory Anquan ensure and promote the normal inventory turnover, and maximize sales revenue for products, lower product cost of sales and sales management costs is of great significance.So design a good stock of business materials, materials procurement and payment, acceptance of warehousing, storage and dissemination of such links also essential.This according to the actual situation in a clock factory in Harbin, inventory operations of its accounting system design.
Keywords:Inventory, inventory accounting, internal control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 业概况 1
1.1 自然情况 1
1.2 组织结构 1
第2章 存货发出计价方法 3
2.1 企业存货计价方法的比较 3
2.1.1 企业存货计价方法的种类和对存货成本的影响 3
2.1.2 企业存货计价方法的比较、优缺点和适用范围 4
2.2 企业存货计价的原则及考虑因素 5
2.2.1 企业存货计价方法的原则 5
2.2.2 企业存货计价方法的选择应考虑的因素 6
2.2.3企业存货计价方法选择的纳税筹划 7
第3章 存货核算设计 9
3.1 存货成本的确定 9
3.1.1 存货的采购成本 9
3.1.2 存货的加工成本 9
3.1.3 存货的其他成本 9
3.2 原材料的核算 10
3.2.1 科目设置 10
3.2.2 账务处理 11
3.3 包装物的核算 13
3.3.1 包装物的内容 13
3.3.2 包装物的账务处理 14
3.4 低值易耗品的核算 15
3.4.1 低值易耗品的内容 15
3.4.2 低值易耗品的账务处理 15
3.5 库存商品的核算 16
3.5.1 库存商品的内容 16
3.5.2 库存商品的账务处理 16
3.6 存货清查 16
3.6.1 存货清查的内容 16
3.6.2 存货盘盈的账务处理 17
3.6.3 存货盘亏及损毁的账务处理 18
3.7 存货减值 19
3.7.1 存货跌价准备的计提和转回 19
3.7.2 存货跌价准备的账务处理 19
第4章 存货业务内部控制制度设计 21
4.1 岗位的分工与授权批准制度设计 21
4.1.1 岗位的分工制度 21
4.1.2 授权批准制度 21
4.2 存货预算制度设计 21
4.3 存货的请购与采购控制设计 22
4.3.1 请购与采购制度要求 22
4.3.2 存货入库程序设计 23
4.4 验收与保管控制设计 23
4.4.1 验收与保管的要求 23
4.4.2 验收与保管的制度设计 24
4.5 领用与发出控制设计 24
4.5.1 领用与发出的要求 24
4.5.2 领用与发出的具体设计 25
4.6 盘点与处置控制设计 25
结束语 27
参 考 文 献 28
致 谢 30