

关于犯罪中止的若干思考,摘 要犯罪中止是一种犯罪停止形态,在司法实践中,犯罪中止不仅存在于单独犯罪中,而且存在于共同犯罪中。其中刑法第24条第一款明确规定了犯罪中止的概念:“在犯罪过程中,自动放弃犯罪或者自动有效防止犯罪结果发生的,是犯罪中止 。”据此得出,犯罪中止存在两种情况:一是未实行终了的中止,即在犯罪预备阶段或者实行行为还没有实行终了...
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摘 要

犯罪中止是一种犯罪停止形态,在司法实践中,犯罪中止不仅存在于单独犯罪中,而且存在于共同犯罪中。其中刑法第24条第一款明确规定了犯罪中止的概念:“在犯罪过程中,自动放弃犯罪或者自动有效防止犯罪结果发生的,是犯罪中止 。”据此得出,犯罪中止存在两种情况:一是未实行终了的中止,即在犯罪预备阶段或者实行行为还没有实行终了的犯罪过程中自动放弃犯罪;二是实行终了的情况下自动有效的防止犯罪结果发生。本文也将围绕中止问题发表个人看法。
关键词 犯罪中止 成立要件 责任依据

Some Thoughts on the suspension of crime

Suspension of crime is a crime to stop, in judicial practice, the suspension of crime only exists in a separate crime, but also in the crime. Article 24 of the Criminal Code which first defined the concept of suspension of crime: "In the criminal process, to give up crime or voluntarily and effectively prevent the crime occurred, the suspension is a crime pursuant to which come, stop crime, there are two cases: First, the failure to implement the end of the suspension, that the preparatory phase of the criminal act or not to implement the end of the implementation of the criminal process to give up crime; second is to implement an effective end to automatically prevent the crime occurred. This issue will focus on suspension personal views.

KEYWORDS Stop crime Establishment of the elements Responsibility based on