变电站蓄电池的智能充电装置设计,摘要在这篇论文里,我们主要介绍一种变电站的蓄电池的智能充电装置,它以89c51单片机作为控制核心。 在文章的开始,介绍在现阶段电池的发展、充电方法问题和这种充电装置的实际的意义。其后简单的介绍了蓄电池的充电方法和它们的优缺点的比较。紧接着的充电装置方案里面主要介绍了主回路和控制的思想。充电系统的硬件设计是文章的重点,分...

此文档由会员 91740000 发布摘要
关键字: 89C51单片机 晶闸管 整流 充电
In this thesis, we mainly introduce the intellectual charging set of the battery of a kind of transformer substation, using 89C51 single-chip microcomputer as a core controller.
The beginning in the article, the development of the battery,the problem of charge-up method and the real meaning of this kind of charging set at the present stage has been introduced. Following, the charge-up method of the thereafter and battery compares with their pluses and minuses have been briefly stated. Next: Have mainly introduced the main return circuit and thought of control. Charge the systematic hardware and design is the focal point of the article. The article have recommended the brilliant floodgate to be in charge of the main return circuit , characteristic distribution of I/O port , synchronous circuit of 89C51 single-chip microcomputer There is the peripheral circuit mainly Power, Restored,Clock ,Show the circuit .All of thoseHave designed the situation of studying and done overall description and has analysed the composition, function and operation principle of every part of circuit in detail. In the last ,it is some of software design, just design some procedures .
The battery charging set that the single-chip microcomputer controlled has already been designed out。Also the charging set that 89C51 controlled has already begun application.
Key word: 89C51 Single-chip Microcomputer The brilliant floodgate
managing Rectification Charge
1 绪论 1
1.1 国内外铅酸蓄电池的现状及发展趋势 1
1.2 蓄电池充电技术的发展状况 2
1.3 问题的提出 3
1.4 选题意义 3
2 蓄电池的充电工艺 5
2.1 蓄电池的微观充电特性 5
2. 2 充电方法分析 5
2.2.1充电控制方法 5
2.2.2充电程度判断 6
2.2.3停充控制 6
2.3 充电方法及其存在的问题 8
2.3.1恒流充电 8
2.3.2恒压充电 10
2.3.3恒压限流充电 11
2.3.4两阶段充电 11
2.3.5快速充电 12
2.3.6单片机控制的智能充电 13
3 充电装置方案选择 15
3.1 主回路的选择 15
3.1.1晶闸管整流器 15
3.1.2PWM可逆整流器 16
3.2 充电方案 17
3.2.1恒流充电控制 17
3.2.2恒压恒流双闭环充电方案 18
4 充电装置的硬件设计 19
4.1 晶闸管可控整流装置主电路 20
4.2整流器设计 20
4.2.1整流变压器设计 21
4.2.2滤波电抗器电感量L的计算 22
4.2.3晶闸管参数的计算 22
4.2.4阻容保护参数的计算 23
4.2.5快速熔断器的计算: 24
4.3 89C51单片机的I/O口的分配 24
4.4 同步电路 25
4.5 A/D转换部分 27
4.5.1ADC0809简介 27
4.5.2ADC0809与 89C51单片机的接口 27
4.5.3电流闭环调节电路电流检测 28
4.5.4电压电流双闭环调节电路 29
4.5.5电流电压给定 30
4.6 8255A与单片机的接口 30
4.6.18255A端口的选择 31
4.6.2触发脉冲输出电路 31
4.7 单片机的外围电路 33
4.7.1电源部分 33
4.7.2复位电路 36
4.7.3时钟电路 36
5 充电装置的软件设计 37
5.1 相位判断 37
5.2 移相控制 37
5.3数字调节器的设计 38
5.4 触发器的程序设计 39
5.5主程序的设计: 41
5.4.1主程序流程图 41
5.4.2主程序设计 41
5.6显示部分的流程图 43
致谢 45
参考文献 46
附录 47