此文档由会员 bfxqt 发布摘要
Beeause of its economieal,effeetive and safe characteristies,pipeline is one of the important means of transportation,especially in the petrochemil and natural gas industry. The pipeline may have defects beeause of the long time erosion,abrasion and high pressure. So the piprline must be monitored.
With the development of electronic technology, SCM has been widely used because of its small size,strong function,the characteristics of low power consumption.Taking practical, reliable, safe, simple and economic principles into consideration,this issue will build a signal acquisition system monitoring pipelines based on ATmega128 microcontroller.This systerm not only acquires pressure、flow and temperature signals from sensors,but also makes the measured data show and send.In this paper, the SCM application system development process and AVR microcontroller development environment are made a brief introduction, and then the hardware part of a signal acquisition system monitoring pipelines is analysed. Finally the software part of this systerm is designed detailedly.
Keywords: SCM; data acquisition system; serial communication; ATmega128; usart
第1章 前言 1
1.1课题研究的背景 1
1.2课题研究的目的及意义 1
第2章 单片机应用系统的开发方法 2
2.1单片机应用系统的开发流程 2
2.1.1确定系统的功能与性能 2
2.1.2确定系统基本结构 3
2.1.3 硬件设计 3
2.1.4 软件设计 4
2.1.5 硬件调试、软件调试 5
2.2数据采集系统简单介绍 7
2.3 AVR单片机的嵌入式系统开发工具 9
2.4单片机ATmega128介绍 9
2.4.1单片机ATmega128简介 9
2.4.2 ATmega128的特点 10
第3章 系统硬件设计 11
3.1 系统硬件总体设计 11
3.1.1硬件任务 11
3.1.2系统总体框图 11
3.2 系统硬件各功能模块构建 12
3.2.1 压力信号采集模块 12
3.2.2 流量信号采集模块 13
3.2.3温度信号采集模块 13
3.2.4 通信模块 14
3.2.5 显示模块 15
3.2.6 电源模块 15
3.2.7 时钟模块 16
第4章 系统软件设计 17
4.1系统软件总体设计 17
4.1.1软件任务 17
4.1.2系统软件总体介绍 17
4.1.3软件的变量定义及函数声明 18
4.1.4初始化函数 20
4.1.5定时一秒的实现 21
4.2系统软件各功能模块设计 24
4.2.1压力信号采集及处理模块 24
4.2.2流量信号采集及处理模块 27
4.2.3温度信号采集及处理模块 29
4.2.4数据发送通信模块 31
4.2.5 LCD显示模块 36
第5章 结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43