

大连xx压缩机有限公司薪酬调整方案设计毕业论文,摘要   大连xx压缩机制冷研发中心是大连xx压缩机有限公司的技术核心机构,由于制冷企业的特点——人才是企业竞争制胜的关键,此时企业薪酬管理制度的不完善很可能成为制冷企业规模扩大的瓶颈,造成士气低落、人员流动率高的局面。   论文首先介绍了有关薪酬的基本理论,对组成薪酬体系的各个组成部分的主要内容进行了详细的阐述。通过...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布


关键词: 薪酬体系设计; 职务评价; 宽带薪酬

   Refrigeration R&D Center of Dalian Sanyo Compressor is the core technical institution of the Company. Because of the features of refrigeration corporations - the person with ability is the key to win the competition, here the faults of the corporations' salary manage system can be the bottle-neck of enlarge the corporations' dimensions, and work to low the morale, high the liquidity ratio of people.
   At first, the author will introduce the basic principle about remuneration and specifically state the main contents of every part of the remuneration system. Both through the research of present situation of remuneration system of Refrigeration R&D Center of Dalian Sanyo Compressor and through the inside and outside investigations, the problem can be found out. Then the author will analyze the cause of the problem and indicate the need and importance of the adjustments of remuneration system.
   The author will design the adjustments of remuneration system as the following process. Through the comparison analysis of relative data, the author makes a eva luation of the remuneration scheme which had been designed and discusses the difficulties it may encounter during the enforcement of the scheme .The overall conclusion and the relative advises has been given in the end.
   The thesis uses many ways such as post eva luation, broad band remuneration etc. This scheme may also be helpful to other software companies and can help the company gain the competitive advantages of human resources and furthermore realize the balance and maximum of benefits for the company and his staff.

Key Words: Remuneration System Design; Post eva luation;The Broad Band salary
目   录
第一章 引言 1
1.1本文的研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究的方法和技术路线 2
第二章 理论综述 4
2.1 薪酬的基本概念、分类与功能 4
2.2薪酬体系的理论基础和主要内容 8
2.3薪酬体系的主要模式 12
第三章 大连xx压缩机有限公司薪酬管理现状及问题分析 17
3.1合资制制冷企业背景及公司介绍 17
一、合资制制冷企业背景行业背景分析 17
二、公司介绍 17
3.2大连xx压缩机有限公司研发中心薪酬现状及问题分析 20
一、公司薪酬现状 20
二、薪酬问题分析 23
第四章 大连xx压缩机有限公司薪酬调整方案设计 24
4.1薪酬设计的流程及原则 24
4.2薪酬结构设计 27
4.3职务评价 28
一、评价体系 28
二、职务评分 29
4.4岗位工资核定 30
二、确定薪值系数 30
三、确定岗位工资水平 31
四、岗位工资核定 33
4.5奖金核定 33
4.6福利规章制度 34
第五章 薪酬调整方案实施保障 36
5.1组织保障 36
5.2宣传和反馈机制保障 36
5.3分步实施和培训保障 37
结    论 38
参考文献 39
致    谢 43