
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 融资风险 融资成本 防范和控制 大庆xx粮库
Going with the market competition environment becomes more and more fierce, in order to strengthen enterprises' competitiveness and gain more profit,enterprises face more and more capital demand, so financing activities become very important. Only by raising enough funds, enterprises' production and business activities can operate normally, and it also can take great profit. However, while financing activities can take great profit to enterprises, if the management and use to funds which have been raised is unreasonable, financing activities will also cause very large financing risk, which may lead to financial crisis or even bankruptcy. Therefore, it has very important realistic meanings to study financing risk problems.
At first, this paper recommends some basic knowledge in relation to financing risk, such as basic concepts of financing, the financing risk' denotative, types and traits, the positive and negative effects of financing in debt; Secondly, this paper analyzes main reasons which lead to enterprises' financing risk, from some aspects such as internal business management, external business environment and the major participants in financing behavior etc.; Then, from five aspects such as ability to repay debt、ability to obtain profit etc., the paper designs index-appraisa system on financing risk,so as to analyze and judge the size of financing risk, and offer some reference about how to prevent and control financing risk; Finally, referring to main reasons which cause financing risk, the paper puts forward to some relative measures how to prevent and control financing risk of enterprises, from several aspects such as financing structure, debt scale, financing chance, financing methods and so on.
Key Words financing risk financing cost control DaQing HuiLong
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究思路及内容 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 国内研究现状 3
1.3.2 国外研究现状 5
1.4研究方法 6
第2章 融资风险概述 7
2.1融资的基本概念 7
2.1.1融资的含义和过程 7
2.1.2融资渠道和融资方式 8
2.2融资风险的内涵和分类及特点 9
2.2.1融资风险的内涵 9
2.2.2融资风险的分类 10
2.2.3融资风险的特点 11
第3章 大庆XX粮库的融资风险问题 13
3.1大庆XX粮库情况简介 13
3.2 大庆XX粮库存在的融资风险问题 13
3.2.1没有制定明确清晰的融资策略 13
3.2.2大庆xx粮库公司内源融资能力不足 14
3.2.3银行间接融资结构不合理 15
第4章 大庆XX粮库融资风险成因 16
4.1大庆XX粮库的融资风险产生的外部原因分析 16
4.1.1企业融资行为主要参与者引起的风险 16
4.2 大庆XX粮库的融资风险产生的内部原因分析 17
4.2.1融资结构不合理 17
4.2.2负债规模不合理 17
4.2.3负债融资的时机和方式选择不当 17
4.2.4对融入资金的管理和使用缺乏效率 18
第5章 大庆XX粮库的融资风险规避策略 19
5.1确定合理的融资结构 19
5.1.1确定融资结构时应考虑的问题 19
5.1.2影响企业融资结构的主要因素 20
5.2确定负债规模和融资时机 22
5.3确定企业最佳资本结构的方法 24
5.4加强对企业融资行为主要参与者的管理 26
5.4.1政府方面风险的防范 26
5.4.2银行方面风险的防范 27
5.4.3担保公司方面风险的防范 27
5.4.4社会中介机构方面风险的防范 27
结束语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
附录1 32
附录2 35
关键词 融资风险 融资成本 防范和控制 大庆xx粮库
Going with the market competition environment becomes more and more fierce, in order to strengthen enterprises' competitiveness and gain more profit,enterprises face more and more capital demand, so financing activities become very important. Only by raising enough funds, enterprises' production and business activities can operate normally, and it also can take great profit. However, while financing activities can take great profit to enterprises, if the management and use to funds which have been raised is unreasonable, financing activities will also cause very large financing risk, which may lead to financial crisis or even bankruptcy. Therefore, it has very important realistic meanings to study financing risk problems.
At first, this paper recommends some basic knowledge in relation to financing risk, such as basic concepts of financing, the financing risk' denotative, types and traits, the positive and negative effects of financing in debt; Secondly, this paper analyzes main reasons which lead to enterprises' financing risk, from some aspects such as internal business management, external business environment and the major participants in financing behavior etc.; Then, from five aspects such as ability to repay debt、ability to obtain profit etc., the paper designs index-appraisa system on financing risk,so as to analyze and judge the size of financing risk, and offer some reference about how to prevent and control financing risk; Finally, referring to main reasons which cause financing risk, the paper puts forward to some relative measures how to prevent and control financing risk of enterprises, from several aspects such as financing structure, debt scale, financing chance, financing methods and so on.
Key Words financing risk financing cost control DaQing HuiLong
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究思路及内容 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 国内研究现状 3
1.3.2 国外研究现状 5
1.4研究方法 6
第2章 融资风险概述 7
2.1融资的基本概念 7
2.1.1融资的含义和过程 7
2.1.2融资渠道和融资方式 8
2.2融资风险的内涵和分类及特点 9
2.2.1融资风险的内涵 9
2.2.2融资风险的分类 10
2.2.3融资风险的特点 11
第3章 大庆XX粮库的融资风险问题 13
3.1大庆XX粮库情况简介 13
3.2 大庆XX粮库存在的融资风险问题 13
3.2.1没有制定明确清晰的融资策略 13
3.2.2大庆xx粮库公司内源融资能力不足 14
3.2.3银行间接融资结构不合理 15
第4章 大庆XX粮库融资风险成因 16
4.1大庆XX粮库的融资风险产生的外部原因分析 16
4.1.1企业融资行为主要参与者引起的风险 16
4.2 大庆XX粮库的融资风险产生的内部原因分析 17
4.2.1融资结构不合理 17
4.2.2负债规模不合理 17
4.2.3负债融资的时机和方式选择不当 17
4.2.4对融入资金的管理和使用缺乏效率 18
第5章 大庆XX粮库的融资风险规避策略 19
5.1确定合理的融资结构 19
5.1.1确定融资结构时应考虑的问题 19
5.1.2影响企业融资结构的主要因素 20
5.2确定负债规模和融资时机 22
5.3确定企业最佳资本结构的方法 24
5.4加强对企业融资行为主要参与者的管理 26
5.4.1政府方面风险的防范 26
5.4.2银行方面风险的防范 27
5.4.3担保公司方面风险的防范 27
5.4.4社会中介机构方面风险的防范 27
结束语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
附录1 32
附录2 35