

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要


关键词 采购 付款 请购

In order to meet the company's procurement of goods (raw materials, auxiliary materials, fixed assets, office supplies, etc.) or services (technology, services, etc.), such as the needs of the purchase of operational activities; and payment by the company's procurement of goods or the conduct of labor payments. Procurement and payment is to carry out normal business activities, the basic premise. Strengthen the control of procurement and payment business to business procurement and payment business cycle in an orderly manner to prevent and expose the errors and fraud, enhance the real and reliable accounting records to further enhance their requisition, approval of the contract, procurement, acceptance, payment and other aspects of accounting control, plug the loopholes in the procurement chain, reduce risk, such as control of the content of the procurement. New construction and installation companies to accounting system design, procurement and payment operations to ensure the normal development of the procurement process to prevent all the disadvantages and improve the procurement and payment of the quality of the business. The first section introduces the design of new construction and installation company overview, and then on the choice of inventory valuation methods to make the argument, and then introduced the procurement and payment business accounting design, the final construction of a new installation of the company operational control of the procurement and payment system design.

Key words procurement payment requisitions

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II

第1章 xx建筑安装公司概况 1
1.1 自然概况 1
1.2 管理概况 2
第2章 xx建筑安装公司存货计价方法的选择 5
2.1 各种存货计价方法比较 5
2.1.1 计划成本法 5
2.1.2 实际成本法 6
2.2 xx建筑安装公司选择的存货计价方法 7
第3章 xx建筑安装公司采购与付款业务核算 8
3.1 设计目的 8
3.2 设计意义 8
3.3 财务人员岗位职责设计 9
3.4 会计科目设计 11
3.5 会计凭证设计 13
3.6 业务流程设计 18
3.7 业务处理设计 22
第4章 大庆xx建筑安装有限公司采购与付款控制制度设计 24
4.1 岗位分工与授权批准制度 24
4.2 请购与审批控制制度 25
4.3 采购与验收控制制度 26
4.4 付款控制制度 26
4.5 监督检查控制制度 27

结束语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
附录1 31
附录2 35