

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布



关键词 公允价值 金融资产 计量属性


In February 2006,China's Ministry of Finance issued a new "Enterprise Accounting Standards - the basic norms which put fair value explicitly as one of the attributes of accounting measurement ,in the specific criteria,the fair value has gotten the embodiment of all-round,especially in financial assets. In that case, the fair value of financial assets is how to use,how to use the results? The paper discusses the question from theoretical analysis and empirical research.
First of all, this paper explains the theory basic and the pyemise measure of the fair value,according to the research situation of the domestic and internatinal fair value,and compares fair value,historical value,and current cost from the concepe of fair value,and analyies further the use of fair value in financial assets,based on the new enterprise accounting standard.
Secondly,the paper discusses the application of the fair value in financial assets,based on the new enterprise accounting standard.
Finally,in light of the actual analysis of the financial industry,the application of fair value of financial assets effects were analyzed,and proposed the application of fair value in our country should pay attention to.

Key words Fair value Financial assets Measurement attributes

摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.2 研究目的及研究意义 4
1.2.1 研究目的 4
1.2.2 研究意义 4
第2章 公允价值的理论基础 5
2.1 公允价值的确认及计量 5
2.1.1 公允价值的含义 5
2.1.2公允价值的会计的确认 7
2.1.3公允价值的计量 9
2.2公允价值与其他计量属性的关系 13
2.2.1公允价值与历史成本 14
2.2.2公允价值与现行成本 14
2.2.3公允价值与现行市价 14
2.2.4可变现净值与公允价值 15
2.2.5未来现金流量现值与公允价值 15
2.3会计准则对金融资产应用公允价值的规定 16
2.3.1交易性金融资产 16
2.3.2持有至到期投资 17
2.3.3贷款和应收款项 18
2.3.4可供出售金融资产 19
第3章 公允价值在上海xx发展银行的应用 21
3.1金融资产的分类 21
3.2公允价值的确认 22
3.3在交易性金融资产中的应用 23
3.4在持有至到期投资中的应用 24
3.5在可供出售金融资产中的应用 25
第四章 公允价值在金融资产应用的效果分析 26
4.1对股东权益的影响 26
4.2对当期损益的影响 30
第五章 公允价值在金融资产应用应注意的问题 32
5.1建立健全活跃的市场机制 32
5.2借鉴外国经验,采用逐步推广的方式 32
5.3促进经济环境健康发展 32
5.4提高会计人员的职业判断力和专业水平 33
5.5加强守法意识和道德教育 33

结论 34
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录1 39
附录2 42