

分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

1. 摘 要

关键词 供热式火力发电厂 电气主接线 短路电流计算 设备选择校验

2. Abstract
The production ofenergy and consumption systems are consisted of ower generation, substation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy. Its function is to the natural world through the power of the primary energy into electrical energy power plant, then the substation and distribution system will supply electricity to the load center.
Electrical wiring is the main electrical power plant component of the primary design, but also constitute an important part of the power system. Determination of the main cable on the power system and power plant itself, the overall operation of the reliability, flexibility and economy are closely related. And choice of electrical equipment, power distribution device configuration, relay protection and control of the formulation has a greater impact. The design of the heating-type thermal power plant power plants, from the economy, reliability and flexibility to select the main aspects of connection mode, the main transformer, short-circuit current calculation and selection of electrical equipment, as well as the safety relay protection planning, distribution planning and lightning protection devices of the basic criteria for planning and design, and must take into account economic considerations.
Heating-power power plant is designed to graduate the first part of the design issues, through the design, can be learned by the consolidation of the University of expertise, both at the same time exercise my independent analysis and solution of electrical engineering design problems, but also for the future work and study has laid a good foundation.

Key words heating-power plant the electricity lord connects line the calculation of short-circuit current selection and check of equipment

目 录
1. 摘 要 I
2. Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1社会背景 1
1.2选题意义 2
1.3国内外发展概况 2
1.4原始资料 3
第2章 电气主接线设计及变压器的选择 5
2.1电气主接线设计 5
2.1.1 发电机端主接线线设计 5
2.2.2中压侧主接线设计 6
2.2.3 高压侧的接线方式 7
2.2变压器的选择 8
第3章 短路电流计算 11
第4章 电厂电气设备的选择 13
4.1电气设备选择的一般条件 13
4.2 高压断路器的选择 14
4.3母线的选择 22
4.4 互感器的选择 25
第5章 发电厂继电保护 28
5.1 发电机保护的规划设计 28
5.1.1 发电机保护的种类 28
5.1.2 发电机保护的选择 29
5.2 雷电过电压 30
5.3 防雷保护 31
5.3.1 架空线路的防雷保护 31
5.3.2 变电所的防雷保护 31
5.4 接地保护 32
第6章 配电装置设计 33
6.1 配电装置的分类 33
6.2 配电装置的设计 33
6.2.1配电装置的基本要求 33
6.2.2 配电装置的设计原则 34
结 论 35
致 谢 36
参考文献 37
附录1 39
附录2 41
附录3 44