此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 通信市场 国际贸易 营销策略
The globalization of the economy and the information is an important character of the world development. The telecommunication equipment industry has become the most important impelling force in the economy and the information globalization through providing the rapid and quick communication facility. Telecommunication equipment industry has become more globalizing in the process of improving economy globalization.
The TaiKang Data System Co. Ltd. is engaged in the technology of correspondence networking and the research, the development, the production and the sale of product and devoted in providing the rigid network, the mobile network, the data communication network and the network solution plan of increment service domain for the telecommunication operators. Nowadays, TaiKang Company has been one of the main suppliers in telecommunication market. When the TaiKang Company was founded, it had established the goal of internationalization and participating the international market competition. TaiKang Company has already completed its overall arrangement of the internationalization through unremittingly diligently. Facing the increasing demand in international market, the more intense competition in international telecommunication market, the opportunities and the challenge brought by the fastertechnological innovation, how to optimize its international marketing strategy, bring up the company lasting core competitive power through the innovative marketing strategy implementation is the essential problem for TaiKang company in the process of internationalization.
The main theory of this article was based on the international marketing theory .The text make use of theory combine with practice, and it combine together research approach with ration to determine the nature. This article takes TaiKang Company’s international market as an object of study and made a set of marketing strategy for it. First multi-analysis TaiKang Company's international marketing environment, the company’s international marketing present situation, discovered the problem which existed in the international marketing strategy. Second, the article determined the company’s overseas goal market. from several aspects such as the product, the price and the channel ,the article has formulated the marketing strategy for TaiKang Company.
Key Words : Correspondence Market International Trade Marketing Strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究的现实意义、目的及方法 1
1.2.1论题研究目的 1
1.2.2论题研究意义 2
1.2.3论题研究方法 2
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1国外研究现状 3
1.3.2国内研究现状 4
第2章 国际营销综述 6
2.1国际营销理论 6
2.1.1国际市场营销理论的发展 6
2.1.2国际市场营销基本理论 6
2.1.3国际市场营销阶段理论 7
2.2国际营销环境 8
2.3国际营销发展趋势 9
2.3.1传统营销方式将得到发展与完善 9
2.3.2个性化营销逐渐受到青睐 9
2.3.3服务营销将成为市场营销的主流 10
2.3.4网络营销占有的市场份额将越来越大 11
2.3.5绿色营销将越来越受到重视 12
第3章 金融危机对通信行业国际营销的影响 13
3.1金融危机下通讯行业现状 13
3.1.1危机通信市场,影响有待观察 13
3.1.2增值业务市场消费从紧 14
3.1.3通信制造业面临严峻形势 14
3.2金融危机给我国通讯业带来的机遇和挑战 15
第4章 XX公司国际营销现状评价及存在问题分析 17
4.1XX公司国际营销现状的评价 17
4.2XX公司国际营销中存在的问题 18
4.2.1缺乏系统的适用性营销战略 18
4.2.2人力物力财力过度集中 19
4.2.3缺乏高端的国际营销人才 19
第5章 XX公司国际营销策略分析 20
5.1结合实际选准目标市场 20
5.1.1对国际市场的细分 20
5.1.2目标市场的选择 21
5.1.3国际市场的市场定位 21
5.2制定国际营销组合策略 22
5.2.1XX公司国际市场产品策略 22
5.2.2XX公司国际市场价格策略 23
5.2.3XX公司国际市场渠道策略 24
5.2.4XX公司国际市场促销策略 25
结 束 语 28
致 谢 29
参 考 文 献 30
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附 录2
关键词 通信市场 国际贸易 营销策略
The globalization of the economy and the information is an important character of the world development. The telecommunication equipment industry has become the most important impelling force in the economy and the information globalization through providing the rapid and quick communication facility. Telecommunication equipment industry has become more globalizing in the process of improving economy globalization.
The TaiKang Data System Co. Ltd. is engaged in the technology of correspondence networking and the research, the development, the production and the sale of product and devoted in providing the rigid network, the mobile network, the data communication network and the network solution plan of increment service domain for the telecommunication operators. Nowadays, TaiKang Company has been one of the main suppliers in telecommunication market. When the TaiKang Company was founded, it had established the goal of internationalization and participating the international market competition. TaiKang Company has already completed its overall arrangement of the internationalization through unremittingly diligently. Facing the increasing demand in international market, the more intense competition in international telecommunication market, the opportunities and the challenge brought by the fastertechnological innovation, how to optimize its international marketing strategy, bring up the company lasting core competitive power through the innovative marketing strategy implementation is the essential problem for TaiKang company in the process of internationalization.
The main theory of this article was based on the international marketing theory .The text make use of theory combine with practice, and it combine together research approach with ration to determine the nature. This article takes TaiKang Company’s international market as an object of study and made a set of marketing strategy for it. First multi-analysis TaiKang Company's international marketing environment, the company’s international marketing present situation, discovered the problem which existed in the international marketing strategy. Second, the article determined the company’s overseas goal market. from several aspects such as the product, the price and the channel ,the article has formulated the marketing strategy for TaiKang Company.
Key Words : Correspondence Market International Trade Marketing Strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究的现实意义、目的及方法 1
1.2.1论题研究目的 1
1.2.2论题研究意义 2
1.2.3论题研究方法 2
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1国外研究现状 3
1.3.2国内研究现状 4
第2章 国际营销综述 6
2.1国际营销理论 6
2.1.1国际市场营销理论的发展 6
2.1.2国际市场营销基本理论 6
2.1.3国际市场营销阶段理论 7
2.2国际营销环境 8
2.3国际营销发展趋势 9
2.3.1传统营销方式将得到发展与完善 9
2.3.2个性化营销逐渐受到青睐 9
2.3.3服务营销将成为市场营销的主流 10
2.3.4网络营销占有的市场份额将越来越大 11
2.3.5绿色营销将越来越受到重视 12
第3章 金融危机对通信行业国际营销的影响 13
3.1金融危机下通讯行业现状 13
3.1.1危机通信市场,影响有待观察 13
3.1.2增值业务市场消费从紧 14
3.1.3通信制造业面临严峻形势 14
3.2金融危机给我国通讯业带来的机遇和挑战 15
第4章 XX公司国际营销现状评价及存在问题分析 17
4.1XX公司国际营销现状的评价 17
4.2XX公司国际营销中存在的问题 18
4.2.1缺乏系统的适用性营销战略 18
4.2.2人力物力财力过度集中 19
4.2.3缺乏高端的国际营销人才 19
第5章 XX公司国际营销策略分析 20
5.1结合实际选准目标市场 20
5.1.1对国际市场的细分 20
5.1.2目标市场的选择 21
5.1.3国际市场的市场定位 21
5.2制定国际营销组合策略 22
5.2.1XX公司国际市场产品策略 22
5.2.2XX公司国际市场价格策略 23
5.2.3XX公司国际市场渠道策略 24
5.2.4XX公司国际市场促销策略 25
结 束 语 28
致 谢 29
参 考 文 献 30
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