

哈尔滨xx工贸有限公司客户关系管理系统的分析与设计(大摘要),摘要客户关系管理系统是通过对客户详细资料的深入分析来融洽和客户的关系,工作得到客户的配合,提高工作效率,降低企业营销成本;确定最具价值的客户群,实现“一对一”服务,掌握销售增长的捷径,提高企业效益。文章建立了基于b/s 模式的汽车零部件行业的客户关系管理系统,通过对汽车零部件销售的哈尔滨xx工贸有限公司实际业务的研究。...
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此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

客户关系管理系统是通过对客户详细资料的深入分析来融洽和客户的关系,工作得到客户的配合,提高工作效率,降低企业营销成本;确定最具价值的客户群,实现“一对一”服务,掌握销售增长的捷径,提高企业效益。文章建立了基于B/S 模式的汽车零部件行业的客户关系管理系统,通过对汽车零部件销售的哈尔滨xx工贸有限公司实际业务的研究。根据系统开发的相关流程,研究并设计了其体系结构,详细介绍了其主要模块功能,并通过该系统为公司高层领导者提供相关客户信息和客户等级评定结果,制定出合理有效的营销、管理方案。该系统运用Active Server Pages(ASP)技术、SQL Server 2000数据库,运行效果良好,取得了预期效果。
关键词 客户关系管理 B/S结构 汽车零部件行业
The Customer relationship management system keeps the harmony relationship with the customers through in-depth analysis of the detailed information of customers, to work with customers to increase work efficiency and reduce marketing costs; to determine the most valuable customer base,to show "one-on-one" service ,to master of the short-cut sales growth,to improve enterprise efficiency. Article is engaged in sales of auto parts industry and trade Co., Ltd. Harbin source for practical business point of departure based on B / S model of the auto parts industry customer relationship management system, in accordance with the relevant process of system development, research and design of its architecture, described in detail its main modules and the system through high-level leadership for thecompany to provide relevant customer information and customer rating results, the development of a rational and effective marketing and management programs. The system is the use of Active Server Pages (ASP) technology, SQL Server 2000 database, running well, and achieved the desired effect.
Key word The customer relations management B/S Model Auto parts industry