我国医药行业的政府规制研究, (硕士论文)43000字摘要自改革开放以来,我国的医药行业一直采取的是政府监管为主导,市场调节为辅导的运作模式,医药行业中包含着制药企业、经营企业、医院等国家重要的经济主体,是我国社会发展必不可少的重要经济支柱。然而随着社会主义市场经济的不断深入,在最近几年,我国的医药行业出现了许多质量安全...
此文档由会员 能文者无敌 发布我国医药行业的政府规制研究 (硕士论文)
关键词:政府规制 医药行业 研究
Since the china’s reform, our country pharmaceutical industry has adopted a government-led regulation, market regulation mode of operation for the counseling, pharmaceutical industry includes pharmaceutical companies, enterprises, hospitals and other important national economic agents, social development in China essential and important economic pillar. However, with the deepening of the socialist market economy in recent years, China's pharmaceutical industry there were many quality and safety problems, especially some major injury incident is shocking, these events can not but arouse the Government's reflection, How to learn the advanced experience of foreign countries, as our government regulation of the pharmaceutical industry to provide a viable path, in order to standardize the development of China's pharmaceutical industry, has become one of the very important issue.
This article from the pharmaceutical industry, the basic characteristics of the first to take industrial economics SCP Paradigm law, from the market structure, market conduct perspective of the pharmaceutical industry to analyze the situation, on this basis, in accordance with the economic regulation and social regulation classification of China's current pharmaceutical industry, major government regulations were introduced, including market access regulation, the market price regulation and quality and safety regulations, etc., then China's pharmaceutical industry, government regulation the current problems are analyzed and pointed out a problem of the source : First, as the government of the pharmaceutical industry into the regulation failure; Second, the Government of the pharmaceutical industry, price regulation system failure; Third, the Government of the pharmaceutical industry quality and safety regulation of the failure; after the draw on advanced foreign government regulation based on the experience,proposed specific conditions for the Regulation of countermeasures.
At this stage, our government must learn from the experience of foreign countries on the basis of government regulation, through the following means of enhancing our current level of government regulation of the pharmaceutical industry, one of the pharmaceutical industry to improve execution of GMP certification, standards and other means to enhance access to to strengthen the pharmaceutical industry into the regulation, and actively eliminate local protectionism, breaking the old exit barriers; the second is through reform of the pricing model, to introduce competition, improve the legal system, the main reform measures focus on regulatory measures to complete with international standards; three by improving quality and safety regulation of the pre-control, a matter of supervision, after the feedback from the three-step strategy and innovative means of enforcement of the ways to strengthen our government's social regulation; Fourth, through the strengthening of the pharmaceutical industry information disclosure system and deepen the health insurance reform supporting measures to improve our government the way the pharmaceutical industry regulation, making the country took to the regulation of the pharmaceutical industry rationalization and systematic.
Government regulation of the pharmaceutical industry, is state of the pharmaceutical industry to take an important policy, the pharmaceutical industry to improve the market system, to eliminate the adverse effect of the pharmaceutical industry, the safety of pharmaceutical consumption to establish a fair market, to ensure the citizens of the person provide effective health and safety protection. In this process, not only by government regulatory reform, strengthening the legal system to complete, also need the supervision of the public and the media, as well as economic agents own quality continues to improve, the only way to maximize the protection of the interests of our people , China's pharmaceutical market to move fast and a good direction.
KEYWORDS: Government Regulation Medical industry Study
目 录
摘要 2
Abstract 4
第一章 导论 8
第一节 选题背景与研究意义 8
一、选题背景 8
二、选题意义 9
第二节 国内外研究综述 9
一、国外医药行业规制研究综述 9
二、国内医药行业规制研究综述 11
第三节 研究内容与研究方法 14
一、研究内容 14
二、研究方法 14
第四节 研究思路与研究创新 15
一、研究思路 15
二、研究创新 15
第二章 医药行业政府规制的理论研究 17
第一节 医药行业概念及属性 17
第二节 医药行业政府规制的必要性和可行性 18
一、医药行业政府规制的必要性 18
二、医药行业政府规制的可行性 19
第三节 医药行业政府规制的特征 20
第四节 医药行业政府规制的内容 22
一、医药行业经济性规制的内容 22
二、医药行业社会性规制的内容 22
第三章 我国医药行业的政府规制现状和主要问题 24
第一节 我国医药行业的发展状况 24
一、我国医药行业市场结构分析 24
二、我国医药行业市场行为分析 25
三、我国医药行业市场绩效分析 26
第二节 我国医药行业的政府规制制度及其发展 27
一、我国医药行业的市场进入规制制度及其发展 28
二、医药行业的价格规制制度及其发展 29
三、医药行业的质量安全规制制度及其发展 30
第三节 我国医药行业的政府规制存在的主要问题 31
一、我国医药行业在市场进入规制存在的问题 31
二、我国医药行业在市场价格规制上存在的问题 32
三、我国医药行业在质量安全规制上存在的问题 34
四、我国医药行业在政府规制上存在的其它问题 35
第四节 我国医药行业的政府管制问题的成因分析 36
一、医药行业市场进入规制失灵,导致市场混乱不堪 36
二、医药市场价格规制失灵,医药价格成为扰乱市场源头 37
三、医药行业质量安全规制失灵,导致政府公信力下降 37
四、医药市场体系的不完善导致政府规制效力下降 38
第四章 国外医药行业政府规制的经验借鉴 40
第一节 美国医药行业政府规制的特点 40
一、医药标签规制 40
二、医药广告规制 40
三、信息披露规制 40
第二节 英国医药行业政府规制的特点 41
第三节 日本医药行业政府规制的特点 41
第四节 国外政府医药行业规制对我国的启迪 42
一、政府规制比较注重引导性规制 42
二、政府有放松规制的倾向 42
三、国家医疗体制影响着医药行业的政府规制 43
四、政府价格规制手段多元化 43
第五章 医药行业政府规制的案例分析 44
第一节 案例背景 44
一、“亮菌甲素”假药的发现 44
二、“亮菌甲素”假药产生过程 45
三、“亮菌甲素”假药事件的责任 45
第二节 案例的政府规制问题分析 46
一、市场进入规制问题分析 46
二、价格规制问题分析 47
三、质量安全规制问题分析 47
第六章 加强我国医药行业政府规制的对策建议 49
第一节 加强我国医药行业经济性规制 49
一、加强医药行业进入规制,打破陈旧退出壁垒 49
二、抓住价格规制改革重点,积极完成与国际接轨 50
第二节 完善我国医药行业社会性规制 52
一、加强医药行业质量安全规制,实行前中后三步策略 52
二、创新执法手段,提升执法效率 53
三、增强质量安全规制的正向激励方式 53
第三节 强化我国医药行业政府规制的配套性改革 54
一、设立医药类行业的信息披露制度,打破医药行业的隐蔽性 54
二、健全我国医保制度,促进医药市场繁荣 55
结论 57
参考文献 58
致谢 60