

基于单片机位移检测系统的研究,摘 要本文在对单片机研究的基础上,以at89s51为核心控制芯片,对位移检测系统进行设计与改进,探讨以at89s51单片机构成串行鼠标的实现方法,介绍鼠标编码器数据存取软件的设计原理及软件设计。考虑到存在的各种干扰对系统的影响,从软、硬件设计、仿真技术三个方面做出了分析。安捷伦(agilent)公司的adns-2051...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文



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摘  要
光电鼠标正交模式相对位移检测系统的设计与应用,正是采用ADNS-2051为光电鼠标设计的芯片,它是基于光学导航技术,通过连续拍摄像,连续地获得表面图像,通过比较,测定位移决定位移方向和大小由DSP处理后产生的X, Y方向位移量状态输出给单片机,单片机将两次接收的状态进行比较,产生位移的大小和方向,并通过显示、通信过程将待测量数据反应出来。

关键词:AT89S51单片机; 鼠标图像处理芯片; 位移检测







Based on the research on singlechips,and using AT89S8051 as the core controlling chip, this thesis focus on the design and improvement of relative position detecting system of photoelectric mouse.It introduce the design principle and method of the program which picks up the data from mouse code.It also provide with aprogram design of serial mouse mouse. Considering the efect from various interferenceson the system, the thesis analyze in software hardware and imitation technology.
ADNS-2051 chip is a new high-performance motion detection device of Agilent, it suitable for high-precision, high-speed movement occasions of the position detection. Learning from the principle of optical mouse combined with the ADNS-2051 features, characteristics, through the modification of the optical mouse sensor to replace the test on many occasions the application of the test functions.
The design and application of the position monitoring system of the photoelectric mouse in a orthographic mode use ADNS-2051 chip. The IAS acquires microscopic surface images. These images are processed by the DSP to determine the direction and distance of motion. The DSP generates the X and Y relative.DSP generated by X, Y direction of displacement data to the single-chip, single-chip will receive the status of the two compared, resulting in the size and direction of displacement, and show that communication process will be reflected in survey data.

KEYWORDS: singlechip-AT89S51; photoelectricmouse;  position detection



目  录

1 绪 论 1
1.1 应用背景 1
1.2 选题意义 1
1.3 本文所做的工作 2
2 单片机系统基本原理和方案选择 3
2.1 单片机简介 3
2.2 AT89S51单片机特性与逻辑功能 4
2.3 本文用到的管脚说明 4
3 位移检测方案选择和系统基本原理 6
3.1概述 6
3.2系统方案 6
3.3光电鼠标测位移原理 8
3.4 ADNS-2051鼠标芯片的特点和工作原理 10
3.4.1 鼠标芯片的分辨率 10
3.4.2 主要功能与特性 11
3.4.3状态机的工作过程 11
3.4.4 引脚介绍 13
3.5 影响分辨率的因素 14
4 位移检测系统接口电路设计 16
4.1单片机晶振、复位电路 16
4.2电源电路 17
4.3 检测部分电路 17
4.4 显示部分电路 18
4.4.1 译码器部分简介 19
4.4.2 数码管显示电路 20
4.5按键工作原理 22
4.6串行通信电路的设计 23
5 位移检测系统程序设计 25
5.1开发语言及编译软件 25
5.2 位移检测部分 25
5.3 数码管显示部分 28
5.4 串行通信部分 28
5.5 系统总体功能简介 35
结 论 37
参考文献 38
致 谢 39
附录Ⅰ 系统原理图 40
附录Ⅱ 程序源代码 41