
此文档由会员 andey 发布铅酸蓄电池智能充电系统的设计
关键词:铅酸蓄电池 智能充电 80C196KB 单片机
Design for intelligent charging system of Lead-acid batteries
Abstract:In this paper the design of lead-acid batteries intelligent charging system, content mainly includes to battery charging method of research and charging system design. In the battery principle and charging methods on the basis of study, the paper proposes the constant pressure and pulse current limiting charging charging combination of charging methods. This kind of charging methods can always to recharge current in overall approximation battery acceptable charging electric current curve, and throughout the charging period timely adopted remove battery polarization measures. Theoretical and experimental data shows that this model can greatly shorten charging charging time and improve charging efficiency.
Experimental results show that based on the intelligent charging 80196KB single-chip microcomputer control system, its high efficiency, regulating time quick good charging characteristics can get fully, make battery has higher use capacity and long cycle life, can meet the electric locomotive motive battery charging request, has a good application prospect for improving battery performance and reliability provides a new and effective way.
Keywords: Lead-acid batteries Intelligent charging 80C196KB singlechip
目 录
前言 1
1 总体设计方案 1
1.1系统的设计要求 1
1.2智能充电方法的选择 2
1.3系统的结构原理框图 2
1.4充放电方法的控制与实现 3
2 课题的研究现状 3
2.1充电技术的发展状况 3
2.2充电电源的发展状况 4
2.3传统的充电方式 4
3 铅酸蓄电池智能充电的基本原理 6
3.1蓄电池的基本概念和工作原理 6
3.1.1电池的种类和特性 6
3.1.2铅酸蓄电池的基本概念 7
3.1.3铅酸蓄电池的工作原理 10
3.2铅酸蓄电池的充电特性 11
3.3 J.A.马斯(J.A.Mas)三定律 12
3.4极化电压 14
3.5智能充电的基本原理和控制方法 15
3.5.1智能充电的基本原理 15
3.5.2智能充电的几种控制方法 15
4 系统的硬件设计 17
4.1开关电源原理 17
4.2充电系统的主电路原理与设计 18
4.2.1全桥变换电路的设计 18
4.2.2能量回馈电路的设计 20
4.2.3主回路中建波与抗干扰电路的设计 21
4.2.4移相控制电路的设计 22
4.3充电回路控制系统的设计 28
4.3.1 80Cl96KB单片机最小系统的设计 28
4.3.2模拟量检测电路 30
4.3.3键盘电路 30
4.3.4显示电路 30
4.3.5执行电路 31
4.4系统保护措施的设计 31
4.4.1过流保护 31
4.4.2软启动保护 32
5 系统的软件设计 32
5.1充电系统的主程序设计 32
5.2实时时钟中断服务程序设计 34
5.3去极化子程序设计 35
6 结论 36
参考文献 37