流浪儿童问题解决的建议毕业论文,摘要 流浪儿童问题是世界性的难题,中国的流浪儿童问题的解决也到了刻不容缓的地步。本文首先深入分析了中国流浪儿童产生的具体原因,即主要是家庭教育不当、监护人缺失、学校教育体制不完善、经济发展不平衡以及社会保障制度不健全等原因造成的。由于流浪儿童问题比较复杂,我国政府对于流浪儿童的救助工作虽然取得了一定的成绩,但是仍有很多...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 流浪儿童 流浪儿童救助 非政府组织
Street children is a worldwide problem, problems of China's street children to solve the problem of delay point. And This paper first in-depth analysis of the Chinese street children produce the concrete reason that are mainly family education undeserved, guardian loss, school education imperfect system, the unbalance of economic development and the social security system is not perfect and so on the reasons for this. Due to the street children, our government issue is complicated for street children work of relief has made some progress, but there are still many defects, mainly displays in relief agencies cannot meet the diverse needs of street children in deficiency, and non-governmental organizations social security system is not perfected and legal regulations don't sound, etc.On the basis of the analysis, this paper puts forward some Suggestions of problem solving the street children, begin from prevention street children produce from the Angle of community construction, schools, education, social security, legal policy improvement to prevent; Also from the Angle of street children relief, from make laws and regulations, outreach, relief agencies own transformation, non-governmental organizations participation, return to the mainstream of society and society to actively participate in relief street children.
Keywords street children street children relief non-government
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
绪 言 1
一 、流浪儿童出现的原因 3
(一)家庭原因 3
1.家庭破裂 3
2.教育不当 4
3.家庭暴力 4
4.家庭遗弃 5
(二)学校原因 5
1.个别教师素质不高 5
2.教育体制不完善 6
(三)社会原因 6
1.经济贫困 6
2.社会保障机制不健全 7
3.被犯罪分子拐骗、利用 7
二 、流浪儿童救助工作的不足之处 8
(一)法律及政策不健全 8
1.儿童保护的具体政策缺位 8
2.流浪儿童救助保护的法律缺位 9
(二)官方救助不能满足流浪儿童特殊群体的需求 11
1.官方救助机构资金缺乏,救助环境相对较差 11
2.救助机构的数量不足,救助人员的素质不高 11
3.很多救助机构救助流浪儿童的出发点很功利 12
4.大多数救助机构忽视了流浪儿童群体的特点 12
(三)非政府组织参与不足 13
1.非政府组织的发展缺少相应的政策支持 13
2.税收优惠政策措施不足,非政府组织的资金来源受限 13
3.政府对现有的非政府组织缺乏有力指导和监督 13
4.非政府组织发展刚起步,自身存在制度缺陷 13
三 、救助流浪儿童的对策探讨 15
(一)尽快出台专门针对流浪儿童救助保护的法律法规 15
(二)救助保护工作须针对流浪儿童特点 15
(三)积极鼓励非政府组织对流浪儿童的救助 17
(四)积极创造流浪儿童回归主流社会的途径 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 22
关键词 流浪儿童 流浪儿童救助 非政府组织
Street children is a worldwide problem, problems of China's street children to solve the problem of delay point. And This paper first in-depth analysis of the Chinese street children produce the concrete reason that are mainly family education undeserved, guardian loss, school education imperfect system, the unbalance of economic development and the social security system is not perfect and so on the reasons for this. Due to the street children, our government issue is complicated for street children work of relief has made some progress, but there are still many defects, mainly displays in relief agencies cannot meet the diverse needs of street children in deficiency, and non-governmental organizations social security system is not perfected and legal regulations don't sound, etc.On the basis of the analysis, this paper puts forward some Suggestions of problem solving the street children, begin from prevention street children produce from the Angle of community construction, schools, education, social security, legal policy improvement to prevent; Also from the Angle of street children relief, from make laws and regulations, outreach, relief agencies own transformation, non-governmental organizations participation, return to the mainstream of society and society to actively participate in relief street children.
Keywords street children street children relief non-government
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
绪 言 1
一 、流浪儿童出现的原因 3
(一)家庭原因 3
1.家庭破裂 3
2.教育不当 4
3.家庭暴力 4
4.家庭遗弃 5
(二)学校原因 5
1.个别教师素质不高 5
2.教育体制不完善 6
(三)社会原因 6
1.经济贫困 6
2.社会保障机制不健全 7
3.被犯罪分子拐骗、利用 7
二 、流浪儿童救助工作的不足之处 8
(一)法律及政策不健全 8
1.儿童保护的具体政策缺位 8
2.流浪儿童救助保护的法律缺位 9
(二)官方救助不能满足流浪儿童特殊群体的需求 11
1.官方救助机构资金缺乏,救助环境相对较差 11
2.救助机构的数量不足,救助人员的素质不高 11
3.很多救助机构救助流浪儿童的出发点很功利 12
4.大多数救助机构忽视了流浪儿童群体的特点 12
(三)非政府组织参与不足 13
1.非政府组织的发展缺少相应的政策支持 13
2.税收优惠政策措施不足,非政府组织的资金来源受限 13
3.政府对现有的非政府组织缺乏有力指导和监督 13
4.非政府组织发展刚起步,自身存在制度缺陷 13
三 、救助流浪儿童的对策探讨 15
(一)尽快出台专门针对流浪儿童救助保护的法律法规 15
(二)救助保护工作须针对流浪儿童特点 15
(三)积极鼓励非政府组织对流浪儿童的救助 17
(四)积极创造流浪儿童回归主流社会的途径 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 22