

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要

关键词 财务风险 风险测量 风险防范
Since reform and opening up, China's private enterprises invest in unprecedented initiative, the private economy has grown by leaps and bounds. The private sector to create revenue, prosperous economy and increase employment and so on have made some contribution. However, the development of private enterprises have also seen, only a handful of enterprises can be completed in a short period of time primitive accumulation, the development of large-scale, management norms, well capitalized and highly competitive market, large enterprises and a considerable number of private enterprises in the "high birth and high mortality rate "state. Impact on development of private enterprises in a number of factors, both external factors and internal factors, including the level of financial management of enterprises that affect the development of an important internal factors. Analysis of the characteristics of private sector financial management, financial management and financial management to explore the impact of the relationship between the environment and how effective use of good financial management of the success of the private sector model, help to improve the financial management level, to promote the healthy development of private enterprises.
Enterprise's financial risk exists in the enterprise financial management in all aspects of corporate financial decision-making is almost in the risks and uncertainties to make the case, especially in the development of China's market economy is not sound is inevitable under the conditions. This article is an enterprise object for the study of financial risk, financial risk from the start with the basic theory, research enterprise of the prevention of financial risks. Papers to the relevant financial risk enterprise theory, such as financial ratio analysis, capital gains expectations of the rights and interests of law. The use of financial risk measurement model and the ridge of the specific information on furniture factory, furniture factory on the Gold Ridge of the main aspects of financial risk, especially in the current practice of the existence of the company's financial risk analysis, and based on Gold Ridge plant financial analysis of the results of wood payment made to the Lung furniture factory internal financial relations and norms, improve the payment Lung wood factory and the strengthening of the financial operation of the gold ridge wood plant accounting risk prevention. A sound risk management institutions, to further guard against the risk of corporate finance. To ensure that the enterprises towards the rational, scientific, and healthy direction.

Key financial financial Risk risk prevention risk measurement
目 录

摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 本文研究背景 1
1.2国内外的研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3本文研究目的与意义 4
第2章 财务风险相关理论概述 5
2.1 财务风险的内涵 5
2.1.1财务风险的定义 5
2.1.2财务风险的特征 5
2.2财务风险管理理论 6
2.2.1财务风险管理程序 6
2.2.2风险技术控制 7
2.2.3风险管理技术 7
2.3财务风险测量的方法 8
2.3.1 财务比率分析法 8
2.3.2 期望权益资本收益法 11
第3章 xx木器厂财务风险问题分析 12
3.1xx木器厂公司简介 12
3.2xx木器厂财务风险的测量 12
3.2.1xx木器厂财务比率分析法的应用 12
3.2.2xx木器厂财务风险测量结果分析 14
3.3xx木器厂财务风险成因分析 16
3.3.1财务关系混乱 16
3.3.2财务决策缺乏科学性 16
3.3.3财务管理人员业务素质低 16
第4章 企业财务风险的防范措施 18
4.1 提高企业财务风险意识 18
4.2完善企业财务风险管理制度 18
4.3提高财务风险防范的技术手段 20
4.3.1防范企业财务风险的措施 20
4.3.2防范企业财务风险的技术方法 ..