xx印务人力资源管理问题分析,摘 要随着我国市场经济的高速推进,众多发展中的企业,面临着来自外部的巨大压力,国际范围的竞争在国内蔓延,各企业将彻底面向市场,在同等条件下参与国内与国际之间的竞争。这种竞争主要体现在效率的竞争,而归根结底却是对人才的竞争,是人力资源管理政策和管理体制的竞争。因此人力资源管理政策和实务是形成现代企业竞争能力的基础。本论文...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词:人力资源管理 培训 绩效考评
With the speedy development of the market economy in our country, many domestic developing enterprises confront with the great pressure coming from external environment: international competition is spreading rapidly to our country. All enterprises face the world competition throughly. This kind of competition focuses not only mainly the enterprise’core competence.
The thesis is to research and study all kinds of obfuscation about HRM(Human Resource Management)arising form Boxing company when it is faced with the competition rivals in the human market and confronted with the changes of its surrounding .
Boxing company is a middle personal firm in its stage of strategy changing, but the human resource management couldn’t adapt to the change of the surrounding being conducted by the traditional way. With the theories of HR and management, and the acknowledges in enterprise strategy, economics and psychology, this paper discussed the theory of Boxing’s traditional HRM, and put forward the frame and method of value, and try to offer a systematic direction for the HRM practice of Boxing Co. The thesis analysis the factor of the surrounding, such as the profits of the correlations, the feature of labor, the labor market condition, the strategy, encouragement and the view of value. Based on these, the paper mainly to research and study the HRM present situation about the effect of employee, the flowing of employee, the check-up system and the extrinsic rewards. The thesis also lodges the related policy. The paper suggests that only the consistent policy could secure the operation of HRM holding good.
Based on the way of environment and standard, with the basic HRM theory, the paper research and study all kinds of HRM policy from Boxing Company, and hope that this paper can conduct the practice of HRM on the whole, promote the adaptability and competition. Moreover, the paper hopes to offer the thinking of HR policy like Boxing Company.
Key words HR Training Rotation of occupations
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 3
1.3研究方法 4
第2章 相关理论概述 4
2.1人力资源管理发展历程 5
2.2人力资源管理经典理论回顾 6
2.3人力资源的内涵 10
2.4人力资源发展趋势 11
第3章 xx印务人力资源管理现状及存在问题 155
3.1xx印务简介 15
3.2xx印务人力资源管理现状 15
3.2.1人员基本情况分析 15
3.2.2薪酬与福利情况分析 17
3.2.3培训聘用与考核制度分析 18
3.2.4员工满意度调查 19
3.3xx印务人力资源管理存在的问题 20
3.3.1人力资源管理观念落后 20
3.3.2激励机制与绩效考评制度不合理 21
3.3.3人才培训体制有待健全 22
第4章 xx印务的人力资源管理对策 23
4.1建立战略人力资源管理的理念 23
4.1.1人力资源是企业第一资源的理念 23
4.1.2“经营人才”的理念 23
4.2 健全个体激励机制及完善绩效考评制度 24
4.2.1健全个体激励机制 24
4.2.2完善绩效考评制度 28
4.3加大人员的技能开发和能力培养 29
结论 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
附录1 35
附录2 错误!未定义书签。
关键词:人力资源管理 培训 绩效考评
With the speedy development of the market economy in our country, many domestic developing enterprises confront with the great pressure coming from external environment: international competition is spreading rapidly to our country. All enterprises face the world competition throughly. This kind of competition focuses not only mainly the enterprise’core competence.
The thesis is to research and study all kinds of obfuscation about HRM(Human Resource Management)arising form Boxing company when it is faced with the competition rivals in the human market and confronted with the changes of its surrounding .
Boxing company is a middle personal firm in its stage of strategy changing, but the human resource management couldn’t adapt to the change of the surrounding being conducted by the traditional way. With the theories of HR and management, and the acknowledges in enterprise strategy, economics and psychology, this paper discussed the theory of Boxing’s traditional HRM, and put forward the frame and method of value, and try to offer a systematic direction for the HRM practice of Boxing Co. The thesis analysis the factor of the surrounding, such as the profits of the correlations, the feature of labor, the labor market condition, the strategy, encouragement and the view of value. Based on these, the paper mainly to research and study the HRM present situation about the effect of employee, the flowing of employee, the check-up system and the extrinsic rewards. The thesis also lodges the related policy. The paper suggests that only the consistent policy could secure the operation of HRM holding good.
Based on the way of environment and standard, with the basic HRM theory, the paper research and study all kinds of HRM policy from Boxing Company, and hope that this paper can conduct the practice of HRM on the whole, promote the adaptability and competition. Moreover, the paper hopes to offer the thinking of HR policy like Boxing Company.
Key words HR Training Rotation of occupations
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 3
1.3研究方法 4
第2章 相关理论概述 4
2.1人力资源管理发展历程 5
2.2人力资源管理经典理论回顾 6
2.3人力资源的内涵 10
2.4人力资源发展趋势 11
第3章 xx印务人力资源管理现状及存在问题 155
3.1xx印务简介 15
3.2xx印务人力资源管理现状 15
3.2.1人员基本情况分析 15
3.2.2薪酬与福利情况分析 17
3.2.3培训聘用与考核制度分析 18
3.2.4员工满意度调查 19
3.3xx印务人力资源管理存在的问题 20
3.3.1人力资源管理观念落后 20
3.3.2激励机制与绩效考评制度不合理 21
3.3.3人才培训体制有待健全 22
第4章 xx印务的人力资源管理对策 23
4.1建立战略人力资源管理的理念 23
4.1.1人力资源是企业第一资源的理念 23
4.1.2“经营人才”的理念 23
4.2 健全个体激励机制及完善绩效考评制度 24
4.2.1健全个体激励机制 24
4.2.2完善绩效考评制度 28
4.3加大人员的技能开发和能力培养 29
结论 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
附录1 35
附录2 错误!未定义书签。
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