
〈三国志〉中刘备性格探析, 绝对原创!我女朋友大学期间的论文,她是学汉语言文学专业的。目录如下:摘 要刘备白手起家,除了草鞋、草席无它。他能在群雄逐鹿,豪杰并出的激荡岁月聚一方之英杰,有三分天下之一,除了所谓皇家的血统,还有什么,仁义,情谊,宽容,谨慎,也难免狭隘,闭塞。成也萧何,败也萧何。是封闭成就了他丰功伟业,也败送...

此文档由会员 myplane 发布〈三国志〉中刘备性格探析
摘 要
关键词: 刘备;性格 ;成功
Liubei self-made man, in addition to straw sandals, no straw mat it. He can put in the league, and the time when the hero the party together at yingjie, three points, in addition to one of the royal blood, and so-called what, righteousness and friendship, tolerance, careful, also hard to avoid is narrow, shut up. Also, the break into respectively secretary respectively secretary. Is the promise he closed daring exploits, also defeated gave him the shu han status. Discuss his character here in one side of the success.
Key words: Liubei ; character ; success
目 录
中文摘要及关键词 2 Abstract 3
绪论 5
一、刘备其人 6
(一)风雨飘摇 大厦将倾 6
(二)白手起家 不卑不亢 6
(三)广施仁义 威名远扬 7
(四)公私分明 任人以能 8
二、张弛有度 知人善任 12
(一)敬上亲下 留故纳新 9
(二)三辞徐州 白帝托孤 10
(三)处事公正 知人善任 12
三、风云汇聚 乘势而起 13
四、枭英有争 雄字无疑 14
结论 16
参考文献 17
附 录 18
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