

跨国公司在华扩张模式透析,——以并购为例摘 要:20世纪80年代后期以来,跨国并购己成为一种世界性的潮流,并且已成为跨国公司对外直接投资的主要手段。伴随着世界经济的衰退,跨国公司之间的竞争不断加剧,具有广阔发展潜力和日益开放的中国市场,己经并将继续成为跨国公司竞争的主要领域。随着我国加入wto,中国在投资政策、市场准入、...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 龙岗先生 发布


摘  要:20世纪80年代后期以来,跨国并购己成为一种世界性的潮流,并且已成为跨国公司对外直接投资的主要手段。伴随着世界经济的衰退,跨国公司之间的竞争不断加剧,具有广阔发展潜力和日益开放的中国市场,己经并将继续成为跨国公司竞争的主要领域。随着我国加入WTO,中国在投资政策、市场准入、国民待遇等方面迈出更开放的步伐,由此也为跨国公司通过并购进入中国市场提供了更多的机会,外资并购成为跨国公司在华活动的一个新动向。但由于中国目前正处于转轨期,所以外资并购同时也面临着众多的困难和问题。本文针对当前跨国公司在华扩张中并购的现状和特点,分析并购给我国带来正反两方面的影响,并就如何应对跨国公司并购提出了对策。

   关键词:跨国公司  并购  经济全球化

   Abstract:Since late 1980's, transnational merger and acquisition has become a world trend and major Foreign Direct Investment means of transnational corporations. With the competition among transnational corporations are being intensified continuously, the market of China, which has great potentialities and upgraded market levels has  been and will continue to be the focus of transnational corporations. With the joining WTO, China has become more open in its policies related to investment, market access and national treatment, which leads to many more multinational corporations entering into the Chinese market by the way of merger and acquisition. Though we are in a turn time, there are many problems in the merge. This paper aims at the current situation of the merge and acquisition, analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of the merge and acquisition, putting forward some advice on how to facing the merge and acquisition trend.

   Keywords:transnational corporations;merger and acquisition;economic globalization