国际劳工标准与非关税壁垒措施的新发展,-------从欧盟sa8000标准的适用所想到的目 录一、国际劳工标准和sa8000标准简述 1㈠ 国际劳工标准的概述1㈡ sa8000(social accountability 8000)的概述2二、国际劳工标准的适用对发展中国家经济的影响3㈠ 国际劳工标准的适用对发展中国家提...

原文档由会员 eleven8558 发布国际劳工标准与非关税壁垒措施的新发展
目 录
一、国际劳工标准和SA8000标准简述 ………………………………………1
㈠ 国际劳工标准的概述……………………………………………………1
㈡ SA8000(Social Accountability 8000)的概述……………………2
㈠ 国际劳工标准的适用对发展中国家提高工业成本的效应分析………3
㈡ 国际劳工标准的适用对发展中国家社会责任的“劝导”效应分析…4
㈠ 欧盟SA8000标准对华使用的贸易壁垒效应 …………………………5
㈡ 欧盟SA8000标准对华适用的企业社会责任的“劝导”效应 ………6
㈢ 企业法人的社会责任缺失已经成为发达国家对华贸易壁垒的焦点…7
㈠ 中国“劳工标准”的缺失为经济高速发展埋下隐患…………………8
㈡ 中国“劳工标准”的缺失成为出口无序增长的根源…………………8
㈢ 中国劳工标准的缺失使得经济发展与社会进步缺乏协调……………9
㈣ 中国劳工标准的缺失为发达国家制裁中国提供可能…………………9
五、我国应对国际劳工标准与非关税壁垒措施的新发展的措施 …………10
㈠ 正确认识我国劳工法律保护的紧迫性和复杂性 ……………………10
㈡ 进一步完善劳工法律保护体系 ………………………………………11
㈢ 全面提升企业对员工的社会责任 ……………………………………11
㈣ 加快劳工法律保护与国际社会接轨的步伐 …………………………12
摘 要
关键词 国际劳工标准; SA8000标准; 非贸易壁垒
Our country has a rich labor resources, the cheap labor has been the advantage to develop the foreign trade in China. However, with the accession to the WTO and the steady expansion of opening, low labor costs bring in low product prices which has become one of the blocked main factors about Chinese foreign trade products in the international market. On one hand, as the global economic development, the world material market has been continuously enriched, many consumers in the developed countries will change its focus from commodity itself to the expansion of the production process, from the commodity cost performance to the labor rights, social responsibility, and Chinese labor-intensive products at low prices make they can suspect the production conditions for workers. The other hand, the ILO of developed countries has been to put pressure on the government for the protection of the domestic labor and employment. Make it use trade sanctions and other means to squeeze out of cheap labor-intensive products exports. For whatever purpose, the contemporary international community it cannot be avoid about labor standards and production safety issue fact. Based on the SA8000 labor standards, a detailed analysis about the labor standards of China to identify its problem, and propose appropriate solutions. The results show evidence that the Chinese production and operation activities be suitable for the demands of social responsibility, we can reduce exports resistance, Meanwhile, it will also introduce the international advanced management concepts, and be facilitate to improve the management of enterprises, enhance the development potential and enhance its international competitiveness further more.
Keywords International labor standards; Social Accountability 8000; Non-trade barriers